Chloe Fineman Is All About Good, Clean Fun

by Freya Drohan

Chloe Fineman likes her social life like she likes her vodka seltzers: easy-breezy, refreshing, and chill. The Saturday Night Live star has reprised her tongue-in-cheek role as Günter, NÜTRL’s no-nonsense in-house European ‘sommelier’ in the beverage brand’s latest Keep It Tasty campaign. And as always, the actress and comedian is keeping things fun and upbeat with this latest character of hers. But while we’ve (technically) spent many a weekend in her company thanks to her omnipresence on the long-running sketch show, we were intrigued to hear how she channels a good time when she has a break in her busy schedule. Pull up a chair! 

Where does your Instagram handle @chloeiscrazy come from? We’d love to know the backstory!
Yes! I feel like I started my Instagram at the time when I had just moved to LA and I was really missing New York. I got rid of my car and just Ubered everywhere, and I would tell people I was in comedy. Then the Uber driver would ask me for my handle. I just made it Chloe Is Crazy so that the Uber drivers or rando people would know how to find it, because it’s so easy to remember.

We’re sure they’re still looking at your Stories thinking, “I remember that one time she gave me a 5 star rating!”
I also don’t like it when people label people as ‘crazy’ so I thought I would reclaim it. And it just kind of stuck!

How do you feel in general about nightlife? Are you more into nights in, or do you still like nights out?
Ooh! That’s a good question. Well, you know, SNL is such a late show, and I do think that it’s kind of fun that our job is like a late night out, all the time. We have to go out. I have to go out. [Laughs.] It’s not a bad life having to go to a party every Saturday with all sorts of interesting and famous people.

We’re sure! When it comes to socializing, do you have a kind of role in the group that you like to play? Are you the sensible one, or are you the instigator of the party?
I’d say I’m sensible. I’m usually the one who’s like, ‘Oh, I don’t want to stay that long’—and then I stay much longer. I’m not a big drinker, but I do like to drink things that are light and refreshing, like NÜTRL. I like to have fun and I’m pretty responsible. And I do like to dance. If there’s dancing, I’ll be up all night. But sitting and talking, I can’t do forever.

So dancing, and light and refreshing drinks. What else do you need in the mix for a great night out?
Fun people who make me laugh, like my best friend Casey. Meeting new people is always really fun. I’m now less nervous at work. I’ll tell myself, ‘You know…maybe go talk to that famous person and get to know them.’ And then you make friends with them, and that’s kinda cool.

Who are your favorite kind of people to go out and have a good time with?
I like the loud crazies. I like to be the more responsible girl around loud, crazy chaos. That is my sweet spot.

Do you like to go to comedy in New York?
I do. I really like theater and I think there’s been some amazing theater that’s come through. Kate Berlant had a show [recently], and Cole Escola, as well. There’s a lot of comedy in theater. I just saw Gutenberg! The Musical!, which was hilarious. I’ll go see stand up, but usually they’re my friends or co-workers performing, so I feel like theater is a little bit more thrilling for me since I don’t really have that in my life [already]. But I really like it all. New York is amazing, you can just walk down the street and go see amazing theater or comedy.

You mentioned you like to dance. Is there any one particular type of music? Or nightclub genre?
I mean, I don’t know the last time I’ve been to a nightclub. Hip hop? I don’t know, just dancing!

You’re not missing much..when you’re getting ready, who’s your go-to artist or playlist?
I’ll listen to all of it. I’m really so into that new Beyoncé song, Texas Hold ‘Em.

Do you have other things in terms of rituals for getting ready…what makes you feel ready to go?
Picking out a great outfit is a big one. Hair, makeup. Now, I like more chic pieces. My really good friend Yael [Quint] is my stylist. She’s sort of been a part of my chic evolution, so picking out a look is a great start.

Chloe Fineman (Getty Images)

What did you have on the moodboard to create a fashion character for you?
I met her within the first few weeks of working at SNL and then we really started working closely together a year after that, I’d say. We both love fashion and vintage, and love the theatrical moments that fashion can create and really see it as a form of artistic expression. Yael does a lot of photoshoot styling and working with different magazines, and I remember there was this picture of Gillian Anderson in a vintage dress, and she just looked so chic and amazing. Yael was like, ‘We should do that!’ Then we did some photoshoots and the rest is history. She’s really special and I love working with her. She even styled me as the vodka sommelier in these NÜTRL ads, and that character was weirdly in vintage and some of my favorite New York designers too, so that was cool!

We must ask about Günter! How did you come up with the character?
Yes, Günter, the NÜTRL vodka seltzer sommelier! We wanted Günter to be goofy but also chic. That’s honestly my life’s work and dilemma—how can this be chic and hilarious?! You always want things to be funny but not so over the top. For Günter, especially, [it was important] that the outfits weren’t like clown outfits. It was fun. She’s wearing a great Kallmeyer vest, who’s also a very good friend of mine.

(Fineman as Gunter)

Her presentation was such a standout during NYFW!
Really? I was so bummed I couldn’t be there! Did you see that leather jacket?

Yes and there was that beautiful red dress. Every editor has been talking about that red dress!
Yes, that red dress. When can I get my hands on that red dress! All the models were wearing Ray Bans, but these thick ones, and now everyday I’m like, ‘Do I buy those today?’

Do, because when the trend starts you can say, ‘Oh, I’ve been doing that for six months.’ Back to Günter! Is it a wig?
It is a wig.

If you go on a night out in any other era—what would it be and why?
Gosh, I think New York in the 1970s. The Chelsea Hotel. I would love to do that for a night. I am so fascinated by that Andy Warhol era, probably because I walk by The Chelsea Hotel all the time. That would be a dream night.

If you’re just going out last minute meeting friends, what kind of fashion pieces do you grab to feel your best?
I know it’s eyeroll-y to say “capsule collection,’ but I really wear Kallmeyer everyday. I love her jeans: I think they are the unsung hero! They fit perfectly. I’m also 5”4, so to find jeans that I don’t have to hem [is amazing]. Those, and one of her belts, and I’ll just throw anything else on. I also love a pointy boot or loafer. And leather. I’ve really gotten into leather lately and I think it’s the easiest thing to throw on [and look cool.] Layering is a big one in New York. I’ll do a leather thing, then I’ll put my big jacket on top. A sweater as a scarf! That’s been a really fun way to do winter in New York, without feeling like a puffy caterpillar.

Very on trend. The sweater as a scarf is literally everywhere.
I feel like when I moved here it was Uggs, and you’re fully like a caterpillar. But now I have this jacket, and then I put this on, and I layer this, et cetera. I really love [stylist] Allison Bornstein’s method. I don’t know if you follow her, but she’s very good with advice for the seasonal changes, especially for us in New York because of the [limited] closet space—that’s really just my cross to bear!

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