Another haute but of convo from the pages of The Daily Summer, just in time to rev up your weekend out East: Håndværk co-founder Esteban Saba chats about the influence of the Hamptons on his collection, and teaming up with 3×1’s Scott Morrison.
How big of a part does the Hamptons play in your basics line?
Well, my wife [and co-founder] Petra and I met out here. She used to work at Waldman’s, the fine jewelry store in Southampton. I stalked her in 2010 while she was getting coffee. Six months later, we were married. A couple of months after that, we quit our jobs to start Håndværk.
What’s the Håndværk M.O.?
We take a serious approach to making very good basics and just focus on that.
How did you link up with Scott Morrison?
We met him a year ago for advice, and he was impressed. Conceptually, we approach things from the same place. It helps that he also wears our stuff!
Check out Håndværk‘s wares at 3×1, 44A Main St., Southampton