30 Seconds with Selby Drummond and Michael Carl

by Sydney Sadick

What happens when we catch pals Selby Drummond and Michael Carl waiting for a fashion show to start? We get to talking, of course!

How long have you been friends?
Michael Carl: For a few years but the romance started last season. Now I have a crush on her.
Selby Drummond: I would say we have been friends for six years, but there were a couple of years in there when we didn’t speak.

What happened?
I couldn’t get behind the direction his personal style was going in. Luckily he’s entered a better phase, so I can allow us to be seen together again!

Selby, how was your summer?
SD: Amazing and I am in a deep depression that it’s over.

What are you guys looking forward to this fall?
MC: You want to see the movie, It!
SD: No, I can’t see that movie. I’m too scared. I’m looking forward to….elections.

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