ThankYouX on His ‘Collage Dropout” Exhibit

by Sydney Sadick

Fashion Week might be over, but there’s still lots going on this week in NYC. Check out artist ThankYouX‘s ‘collage dropout’ exhibit this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1-6PM at 31 Perry St, presented by Ilegal Mezcal and Rose Bar. The artist is known for his abstract, colorful artwork that you might recognize from Instagram and other social media platforms. “I’m actually a college drop-out. That’s how I became an artist,” said ThankYouX. We actually met the bicoastal artist in the elevator of the CFDA after party back in May—casual—and have since been fans of his work. “Originally, I came from the graffiti street art background, which was obviously a lot of image-based stuff. Over the years, I kind of got sick of it. I liked more of the abstract stuff,” ThankYouX told us. “So I’ve ventured out into that world and combining shape with control through shapes as a way to control the madness in the abstract world.”

As far as his latest installation? “One has all these stolen street advertisements in it—I figured that corporate companies are spending millions of dollars a year advertising in the streets to people who don’t want to be advertised to,” said ThankYouX. Other pieces in the series include collages with spray paint and acrylic paint, showcasing different elements of the medium in each piece.

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