How do you usually wear your bra? Under your clothes? Straps all clipped in place? Yeah, you could do it that way. Or you could take a cue from the fall 2018 Loewe show and just stick that bra on the front of your favorite baggy dress or top and call it a day.
Loewe fall 2018 (FirstView)
It shouldn’t be just any bra, though. None of that lacy VS push-up stuff either. No. To really get the look, you need one of those no-frills braziers your grandmother used to wear in the ’50s — the kind of thing you buy from an old lady at a specialty shop in a strip mall that time forgot. The kind of bra you might find at a vintage or thrift shop and think to yourself, “How did people actually wear these and why would anyone buy a used bra?”
Loewe fall 2018 (FirstView)
Once you’ve found your ancient underwear, find some way to fix it to your body. Whatever you do, don’t put on the shoulder straps. Cut those things off. Straps are dead! Just slap some double-sided tape into the cups and you’re good. Go for a contrasting color, or do more of a monochromatic thing. Black on black — c’est chic!
Loewe fall 2018 (First View)
The important thing is that you let the band hang all loosey-goosey. And you may want to consider adding some ribbons to the ends to really complete the look — leather, if you’ve got it, but really anything will do. Just let ’em fly!
Loewe fall 2018 (FirstView)
Or you could just wear your bra the normal way. Whatever you want. The decision is yours.