Last night, Vince celebrated the launch of their new handbag collection alongside Step Up Women’s Network, ELLE, and Chrissy Teigen. Teigen was surrounded throughout the evening by young and eager fans. Instead of snapping selfies –though there were certainly many taken–many of the girls sought Teigen’s motivational words of wisdom.
“Working with young girls is always inspiring and amazing to me, because they’re so hungry and excited to find women they can look up to,” Teigen told The Daily.“I don’t get kind of dudes who come up to me on the street and say ‘Hey, can I get a picture with you?’ Instead it’s usually like, ‘My wife loves you,’ or ‘My sister loves you’. It’s always female-based for me. So to interact with all of these girls tonight has been awesome. These are my chicks! They have such hunger for life that I didn’t have at their age. When I was their age, I was just making out with dudes!”
Teigen carried on to style a few of her “chicks” (and to pick out a few items for herself) before jetting off to Australia to meet up with her husband, crooner John Legend, who’s currently on tour. “I’m going to meet him there, then we’re going to the Maldives. Then he’s in Oklahoma City for New Year’s,” she said with an eye roll and disdain in her voice about that NYE locale. “Is there any way you can print the tone of my voice?”