The Upside of Isolation: How Model Anne V Is Making the Most of the Coronavirus Crisis

by Eddie Roche

Anne V isn’t wasting a second while in lockdown with her favorite person (her four-year-old daughter Alaska). In the latest installment of our Cabin Fever Diaries series, The Lions Models Management beauty talks about the valuable lesson this experience has taught her and how she’s using this time to give back.  

Where are you right now and who you are you with?
I’m in New York City with my daughter.

Have you learned anything new about yourself or the person you are with since social distancing?
I think I have learned that I really have got it. We rely a lot on people around us, after all it takes a village right? But when it’s all taken away from you – it’s pretty scary to be a full time single mom, a cook, a cleaner, a teacher, a full-time activity provider, a good friend, have time for yourself, and also focus on your work. But it’s a great feeling to know no matter what happens – you have got it

What has been the biggest change to your routine?
Having my daughter home all day long. She’s four years old so it’s really ON all day.

Alaska (Courtesy)

What do you miss most about life before the quarantine?
Honestly, I’m ok. I live the same life: I talk to my friends, I meditate, I definitely work out more. But I think it would be nice not to use Lysol wipes on everything like a crazy person.

What are you doing to decompress?
My go to for challenging times has been meditation, breath work, tarot cards, I know so witchy,  and exercise. I have not missed a workout since I started quarantine over a week and half ago and it’s pretty much my only thing that is keeping me sane during this time.

How are you staying active?
I’ve been working out every single day. Also, I’ve been reaching out to trainers and studios to see how I can help them. Their business has suffered a lot and I think it’s so generous of them doing so many free workouts or giving free trials to their online platforms. So I’ve been going live on my Instagram 3 times a week to share their knowledge and their method and also inspire people to stay active, healthy and sane.

Alaska and Anne V.

How’s your sleep?
My sleep definitely can be better. I probably get 6 ½ hours right now because my day with my daughter ends at 8pm when she goes to bed and after that my day starts with cooking, cleaning and doing my actual work.

What are you doing to help others?
Fitness has always been my saving grace and I’m so beyond lucky to have built a network of people who I trust to share their knowledge in this time right now. So I’m sharing on my Instagram all my favorite instructors and studios with my network. I’m going live and featuring my go-to fitness workouts and soon will be doing mindfulness chats with mothers. I am also joining the humanitarian organization CARE in helping others do what I’m doing: washing my hands. CARE is a partner with the CDC on global public health emergencies, CARE is helping communities most affected by COVID-19. CARE’s efforts is to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives in the world’s most vulnerable communities. Go to

If you could be in self-isolation with anyone, who would it be?
I don’t think I would change anything right now. I pick my daughter anytime!

Alaska and Anne V. (Courtesy)

What are you most anxious about?
About people who cannot afford to lose their job. My heart is breaking for them right now.

What have you been watching on TV?
I wish I had time for that!

What do you want to do when this is all over?
Go eat sushi.

How has the experience changed your outlook?
I absolutely love how connected we all are right now. That has been missing a lot with the start of Instagram and Facebook but hey, rocking to a live DJ set with DNIce with 100k people has been a pretty awesome experience.

What has been the most surprising thing about this whole experience for you?
How the Earth is re-healing itself.


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