These days, it seems like everyone is working a gazillion jobs, pursuing infinite passions, and traveling all over the world. Over the coming days, we will be introducing you to a handful of the East End’s top talents whose success is generated by their magical ability to mix it all up. Meet Cynthia Rowley!
Various Hustles: “I try to spend as much time as I can at the beach, but I also have so much fun at work. The fashion schedule has gotten even crazier, with Resort becoming a key season, followed by Miami Swim Week, which is followed by September Fashion Week, and a million collaborations in between.”
Typical Day: “Shoot out of bed, take my dog, Ziggy, on a walk, make some coffee, and then a quick workout before riding a Citi Bike to work. The rest of the day is a full-on sprint. I try to handle the business side when I come in, so I can focus on design the rest of the day. Our studio is on the ground level, with floor to ceiling windows, kind of like seeing chefs in the kitchen. We just transitioned it into a functioning store, so sometimes I like to play the role of stylist when people walk in. Once I get home, lots of home-cooked family dinners mixed with a few fun nights out on the town. By fun night on the town, it can go from dinner with friends to go-kart racing to a concert… I’m pretty much game for anything.”
Cynthia Rowley and guests at her recent 2nd annual surf camp in Montauk (Frankie Marin)
How I Mix It Up: “I feel like I’m always running in front of the boredom train! We always like to incorporate some sense of adventure into everything we do. Lots of collaborations and collection drops on the way, including our new shoe collection. We’re hosting more surf camps, opening more stores, and I just launched my new podcast with my daughter, Kit [Keenan], called Ageless, so tune in!”
Travel Philosophy: “Never check a bag — and hit the ground running.”
Hamptons Obsessions: “I love to travel, but I’m always out East in the summer. Montauk is my happy place, and surfing is my own form of meditation. When I’m in the middle of the ocean I can’t be on e-mail or social media, so it gives me some time to reboot and unwind.”
Read the complete new issue of The Daily Summer below!
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