Town & Country’s December/January issue is celebrating New York City’s rough year with a love letter from some of the town’s most iconic residents. Sarah Jessica Parker, Rosie Perez, and Branford and Wynton Marsalis share three different covers for the special issue.
“As this year draws to a close, we pay tribute to the city many of us at T&C call home,” Stellene Volandes, EIC, Town & Country explains. “It’s a town that has taken an especially hard hit in 2020, and when we sent an incredible group of photographers, stylists, and writers into its streets to chronicle some of New York’s most indelible characters, we confirmed what we’d known all along: It’s the people. This issue is really a salute to all the cities we love, the ones that we yearn to see again, that inspire us and teach us and feed us. But it’s a celebration most of all of city people, that fierce, resilient ragtag army of true believers. To butcher a phrase, if we can make it through this year, we can make it anywhere. Thank you for always being with us, wherever you are.”
Sarah Jessica Parker tells Teri Agins that after Labor Day she had some serious chats with friends who departed the city during the pandemic. “After Labor Day is when I started having hard conversations with my friends,” she says. “People who are wealthy—New Yorkers who made great success for themselves in New York City—I feel that they owe it to the city to reinvest, to come home to make a city that is now unfamiliar familiar again. Your favorite deli and restaurant—those businesses can’t wait for you. They can’t hold on to employees until you come home. They need to feel our presence, to have our financial support to remain open, or reopen. In order for our city to look familiar and to function as you have come to expect, you have to come home.”
Sarah Jessica Parker (Jason Schmidt)
The issue also features Lady Bunny (interviewed by Mickey Boardman), Bevy Smith, and Sutton Foster. Town & Country hits stands on December 1st.
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