Astrologer Susan Miller On Why 2020 Will Be Great Financially

by Aria Darcella

Earlier this week, famed astrologer Susan Miller filled us in on her new collaboration with Venus ET Fleur, and what each sign can expect from the new year. But there are plenty of non-sign-specific cosmic phenomena we all need to be on the lookout for in 2020. Yesterday, Miller filled us in on retrogrades and what we need to watch out for. But she promises that things aren’t all bad! Here are the positive aspects of 2020.

The Mercury, Venus, and Mars retrogrades sound really rough…
But there’s other good aspects during the year. There’s wonderful ones. What’s odd about this year is Jupiter will link up with Pluto, something that happens every 13 years. It’s a fantastic signature of success. I wanted to know who was born under that and I was shocked — George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, the Dalai Lama, Robert Di Niro. It’s hard to find these people because you have to be born in the year, but within a few days of when it formed a conjunction. Anyway, we’re all excited about this.

Susan Miller

(Unsplash, Guillermo Ferla)

I don’t have a crystal ball… on TV, the news, they say there’s a possibility of a recession. No there’s not. Not with a Jupiter-Pluto conjunct! Jupiter is the giver of gifts and love. And Pluto multiplies the goodness of Jupiter many times over. It’s going to be a good financial year. But wait, there’s something else happening with these two — Saturn says, “I’m coming too!” Imagine packing tape keeping Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn glued together all year within five degrees between March all the way to mid-December.

How does Saturn change things?
This is a puzzle, because Jupiter expands everything it touches. Saturn shrinks everything it touches. When you have Jupiter and Pluto, it’s like a hot air balloon going straight into the stratosphere right into the moon. But with little Saturn attached, he’s going to anchor it. It won’t go as high, but I believe — and this is my interpretation — he will hold down inflation. And that’s a good thing. Because if you have great prosperity but with a great deal of inflation, you’re almost back to square-one. Because all the proportions go up but you don’t feel like you’re making more money, right? If everything costs more because of inflation you feel like you’re going nowhere. But I think Saturn will hold down inflation. I see a very good productive year.

The Venus ET Fleur x Susan Miller Zodiac collection is available now. Each bouquet retails for $169. Click here to check out Miller’s predictions — and her flower choice — for your sign.

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