Gwyneth Paltrow covers the latest issue of WSJ. Magazine, with a profile inside that focuses on her evolution from actress to businesswoman and how she is managing her time now that her empire is so vast. Paltrow even talks about her modern family — ex husband Chris Martin has a room in her home while she and new husband Brad Falchuk have yet to “merge households.” While the profile doesn’t say anything about her business that anyone who follows Goop is likely to find particularly revelatory, there were a few moments in the piece that jumped out.
(Lachlan Bailey, WSJ. Magazine)
For one thing, Paltrow appears to consider herself the person who made yoga a hit in the United States. “Forgive me if this comes out wrong,” she said. “I went to do a yoga class in L.A. recently and the 22-year-old girl behind the counter was like, ‘Have you ever done yoga before?’ And literally I turned to my friend, and I was like, ‘You have this job because I’ve done yoga before.’”
(Lachlan Bailey, WSJ. Magazine)
It would also appear that she has high-ranking members of Goop’s staff waiting on her children, as there was a moment when the WSJ. reporter witnessed Paltrow’s son Moses and his friend being served ice cream after they finished riding their ATV’s around Paltrow’s Amagansett estate. “Oh, my gosh,” Paltrow laughed. “They have my chief of staff — who has a degree from Harvard Business School — delivering them ice cream!”
(Lachlan Bailey, WSJ. Magazine)
Paltrow also alludes to a pre-social media bad-girl streak that she’s happy has been kept out of the limelight. “Cameron Diaz and I talk about this all the time. We’re like, ‘Thank God in the early ’90s there were [so few] paparazzi. Thank God.’ We cry in gratitude that no one was following us around and seeing what we were doing.”
(Lachlan Bailey, WSJ. Magazine)
But perhaps the most interesting tidbit is that Paltrow has a white whale — Jeff Bezos of Amazon. Apparently she has no trouble getting in touch with Oprah or the head of Disney, but Bezos has been ignoring her. “I’ve emailed him,” she said. “He won’t email back.”
Womp, womp. For what it’s worth, WSJ. was also unable to get Bezos to comment on their correspondence (or lack thereof). Perhaps he’s just a hard guy to reach in general.
(Lachlan Bailey, WSJ. Magazine)
Read the full profile, here.
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