The fashion set came together for a good cause on Friday night at Topping Rose Bridgehampton, thanks to designer Jonathan Simkhai. The soiree was in support of True Colors United and marked the last weekend of Pride Month—although as the surprise performer, MILK, said: it’s really Pride 365 days a year.
Guests including Cynthia Nixon, Noor Tagouri, Nina Agdal, Nacho and Delfina Figueras, Tony nominee Kathryn Gallagher, Casey Fremont, and Joanna Hillman gathered to celebrate over a cocktail reception, before a candlelit dinner amongst rainbow-themed floral arrangements at Topping Rose’s beautiful barn. Those in attendance were also given personalized, Pride-themed menus by illustrator Justin Teodoro.
Model Ruby Aldridge DJ’d and the crowd were enraptured by a surprise performance by beloved drag queen MILK—resplendent in sequins, of course. In between songs that had the whole room up on their feet, MILK spoke about the relentless work done by True Colors United. Founded by Cyndi Lauper in 2008, the nonprofit organization addresses the issue of youth homelessness and focuses on the unique experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.
Peep the chic attendees below:
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