Have you had restless nights wondering about the eating habits of Marc Jacobs? Today more insight into what goes into MJ’s tummy has been revealed. Those lucky ducks at DuJour interviewed his private chef, Lauren Gerrie, who gives much greater detail than we’d ever dreamed about his diet. “He’s a huge snacker,” she reveals. “There’s always a lot of almonds—chocolate-covered almonds, regular-covered almonds—and a lot of nuts. Always cookies. I make his favorite cookie—a homemade almond butter cookie with spelt flour—and I’ve become known for these cookies. He really loves almond butter, and so I adapted a snicker doodle recipe and used fresh-churned almond butter, which I get at Whole Foods or at Lifetime Market. The carrot cake—he loves having carrot cake. He loves sweets.” She also reveals that he likes oatmeal for breakfast and he’s a big red meat eater. Hamburgers? You betcha! Marc doesn’t like acidic food so she includes tomatoes on a small ratio. Why are we totally fascinated by every little detail of this?
Breaking News: Marc Jacobs' Eating Habits, Revealed!
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