Cat Marnell is back in New York City, with a whole new attitude. The ex-Lucky editor, “How to Murder Your …
After years atop the mastheads of Lucky, Elle, and Vanity Fair, Alexis Bryan Morgan has gone digital. As Rent the …
Jean Godfrey-June Heads to Goop [Page Six] The former Lucky beauty director is said to be joining Gwyneth Paltrow’s team …
What better way to start a new week than a little dose of media moves? What Donna Karan PR maven moved …
Melissa Sgaglione, formerly vice president at DKC, has left the company. Carolyn Lewis, formerly global public relations manager at Donna Karan, …
In need of a Monday morning pick-me-up? We’ve got one for you: a little Daily Media refresher! What Lucky gal is now …
Elle Strauss, formerly fashion and style director at Shopbop, and previously senior fashion editor at Lucky, has been named fashion director at …
Elle Strauss, formerly fashion and style director at Shopbop, and previously senior fashion editor at Lucky, has been named fashion director at …
Lucky staffers were dealt a rough hand when the mag shut down its print ops, and it had been a …
A brief media moves recap is the only way to kick off a new week, so here’s your quick rundown on the …