As the dynamic duo behind the sparkly bauble line, Dannijo, Danielle Snyder and Jodie Snyder know a thing or two about the art of bejeweling, well, everything. So in a partnership between the CFDA, the NFL, and Bloomingdale’s, they adorned a Super Bowl helmet with crystals, heavy metal, and handmade Italian stones. A slew of 47 other designers decked out the protective wares as well. While the headgear won’t be worn in the upcoming games, it will be auctioned off for charity, so we called up the Snyder sisters, who will also be gracing the cover of Bloomingdale’s January fashion calendar, to chat all things football and bling.
What was more important to the design aesthetic: studs or sparkles?
Danielle Snyder: It’s always a little bit of both. Jodie tends to lean towards more classic glam, while I’m a bit more bohemian and rock n’ roll.
If you were starting a football team with your fellow CFDA members, who would be on your team?
Jodie Snyder: The Public School boys would definitely be on our team. We like what’s happening over there. Cynthia [Rowley] is cool and athletic, so she’d be on our team, too.
And who would be the captain?
DS: Jodie and I would argue over who was captain, but in the end I’d give it to her, because she watches way more football.
Are you dedicated to any particular football teams?
DS: We’re obsessed with the Jaguars and Giants. We’re from Jacksonville, Fla. and got into the Jaguars when we were kids because we grew up going to the games every Sunday. Unfortunately, neither of our teams are looking great, but we’re still rooting them on.
If you could redesign the Superbowl rings, what would they look like?
JS: We’d love to, can you make that happen? [Ed. Note: we’ll try.] Two words: badass and timeless.
What was the last item you auctioned on?
DS: I bid on a Muhammad Ali signed photo on Paddle8 and won.
JS: And I bid on a black and white Brigitte Bardot photo on eBay and won.
Try your hand at bidding on a helmet at when the auction begins on January 15th. All of the proceeds will benefit the National Football League Foundation.