High-tech home devices have taken many forms, from cleansing brush to micro-needling roller to light therapy mask. The latest device to enter our radar? NEWA by EndyMed, which boosts collagen and elasticity (read: battle wrinkles) with radiofrequency and heat, and with FDA approval. The miniature and relatively dummy-proof version of what estheticians use in the derm office is clinically proven to rebuild the skin’s support structure by driving energy into the skin with 3DEEP radiofrequency. To explain just what that is and how it works, we called up Valerie Luethge Stern, a longtime Beverly Hills esthetician who has been giving her A-list clients the EndyMed royal treatment for years.
Valerie, when did you first get your hands on EndyMed?
I became aware of the EndyMed system about eight years ago when it made its debut in the United States. The reason radiofrequency became important in the beauty industry is because it creates tissue change immediately. If a patient has a red carpet event that night or they’re filming a new movie and they want to look their best, they can have the treatment within an hour or two before sitting in a makeup chair.
How are you using EndyMed in your office?
I have a lot of patients coming in for a perking up at the corners of the mouth, along the jaw line, fine lines around the eyes, and to lift the upper eyelid. Afterward, they have a great glow to their skin, and they’ve got a lift that gives them a feeling of confidence. They don’t just come into the office for work on their face and neck. They come in for the arms, thighs, back, stomach…all kinds of areas.
Do you make house calls with EndyMed, or do you strictly keep use to the office?
Usually I do it in the office because the equipment can get rather bulky. However, I do make house calls. The EndyMed system that I use in the office is one that I can fit in my car. I’ve even had clients say, ‘How about I just buy a system, keep it here, and you do it for me?’ So we have that too. Sometimes I bring [celebrity] clients in after hours when everybody’s gone, or they come in the back door or things of that sort. I’ll be perfectly honest with you, I’ve got those who are like, ‘I don’t even care if anybody knows I do this; I love this system. It’s not surgery, I don’t look distorted. I look like me but only amazing.’ With radiofrequency, we’re giving back more collagen into the skin, which is actually turning back the clock. We might turn the clock back a year or two or maybe even 10 in certain situations. Nobody’s going to look at the person and think, ‘Wow, what on earth did they do? Too much filler? Did they do something crazy with the laser? Did they have a crazy surgery?’ It’s completely them. They glow.
Do you think the EndyMed NEWA home device will take away from your business?
In certain cases, patients don’t want to do this themselves, and NEWA doesn’t work for all the areas that I can do in the office. However, for those patients who want to keep things up while they’re on tour or they’re off shooting a film, this is a great therapy for them to use in combination with office visits. So it hasn’t hindered my ability to see my five-star clients, but it has also allowed some of my patients who have limited resources as far as babysitters, downtime, or financial resources to get a treatment that is equal to what I can do for them on certain areas of their face and neck in the office.
What are some of the reactions you’ve gotten from patients after using NEWA?
Big screen, small screen, up and coming actors, they’re thrilled to have it while they’re on the set. I’ve got makeup artists who are amazed that they can use this right before their clients shoot.
And it’s the first device of its kind that’s FDA approved, right?
Yes, this is a huge deal. The FDA board has to look at its safety, at the studies, at how it works, at who it was tested on. This kind of development takes forever. The NEWA works in a completely different manner from anything else that states it’s for wrinkle reduction. It actually has electric radiofrequency waves that create heat, which is a patented 3DEEP technology. When radiofrequency is turned on, anything electric has to have positive and negative poles in order for it to run its current. It has to go from one pole to the next. 3DEEP means it has three positives and three negatives that allow you to heat all three poles at the same time and allow for a deeper penetration of heat. Other systems might claim they have three, and that it fires all three. But they’re only firing one at a time. Or a multipolar system may say, Oh we have eight. But the eight don’t fire all at once.
So in layman’s terms…the three nubs that heat up work simultaneously instead of one at a time?
Exactly, and this causes a 3DEEP or a volumetric heating in the three dimensions.
For the average person with a busy schedule, is this a realistic at-home option? How much time does it take, and how many steps are involved?
The first thing a person should do is determine what about their face they want to work on—the jaw, the cheek. Radiofrequency is dependent on heating an area for a certain amount of time in order to create collagen change. If you decide, ‘Oh my god I’m a disaster, I need to do my neck, my jaw, and my cheeks,’ well, you have a left and a right so you better do all. That means you’re neck, jaw, and cheek, so you’re looking at six areas. You do four minutes on the left and four on the right. So you’ll spend about 15 minutes doing this procedure on the cheeks, allotting for time to take off makeup and apply the gel to the device. As we know when we cook or we bake, we always want to preheat that oven so that the heat is symmetrical around the area that we’re going to treat. The same goes for NEWA. When we lay that NEWA system against our skin, our skin is not heated to the proper temperature. When you turn on the NEWA, it blinks blue, and when it starts to blink green, that means you’re good to go and the four minute countdown begins. It buzzes when it’s ready to take off the face. The average person might find doing it two or three times a week is better suited to their schedule. In which case, it still works, but it will take a little bit longer to reach that end result.
What’s the biggest selling point?
Way back in the day, after surgery or one of these treatments where they strip the surface skin, whether that be by laser or by peel, people looked a little bit strange. Their color was a little bit different, they looked a little bit waxy, like a mannequin, or they looked just a little bit too pulled. You could tell that something didn’t look proper or correct. You know, the 80 year old with the face lift didn’t really look 80, but they also didn’t look 40. They looked a little strange. With things like NEWA, you don’t have that anymore. This is one of those things where patients in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, who don’t want the facelifts or the peels that their mothers had, who don’t want to go under the knife if they don’t need to, can use.
NEWA, Bergdorf Goodman (coming soon at Neiman Marcus), $450.00
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