Last night, a chic set braved the rain to join Mission Magazine for the launch of its first issue, which is dedicated to women of empowerment. The shindig took place at The Top of The Standard at The Standard Hotel in NYC’s Meatpacking District, with a host committee that included Laura Brown, Leandra Medine, Malcom Carfrae, Pippa Cohen, Simon Collins, Selby Drummond, Karen Harvey, Kimberley Hatchett, Matthew Moneypenny, Sonja Nuttall, and Elettra Wiedemann. Industry vet Karina Givargisoff is the founder of the new, philanthropic publication, and explained to us why it’s important to be charitable these days. “I think it’s always been in my DNA [to be charitable]. If you look at the world and see where it’s going, there’s so much negativity out there, and we need to step up and be positive—it can be the simplest thing, like smiling on the subway. Just from my brother having down syndrome, it was a different household and upbringing.” As for her 2017 mission? “To shake up philanthropy and fashion publishing and raise as much bloody money in a positive and good way. A personal passion of mine is to get girls bikes in India. It’s not just about them going to and from school quickly and safely, but I also discovered that if they get home quickly on a bike, they get to do their housework with the family quickly and then they can spend more time doing their homework. We’re looking to work with a school to develop a scholarship for girls where we offer them a grant and follow through with their education. That will be my dream.”
We also caught up with Medine, who’s become more involved with Unicief and Baby to Baby, an LA-based charity. “My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant, and we finally did about three months ago…but unfortunately I’m no longer pregnant,” Medine told us. “As we were going through the motions and the process, I was so shocked by how expensive it all was. I couldn’t believe that. It’s absolutely a woman’s privilege to conceive but also kind of her right. I’ve been very effective by how difficult, heartbreaking, and expensive it can be if you are in that boat, so I’ve been thinking a lot about mothers on the other side who can have children but can’t get on to give them a good life. That’s why I’ve become involved with Baby to Baby and Unicef. It’s the most incredible organization.” As for who the most empowering women are in her life, Medine told us. “If you asked me this two months ago I would have said my mother and female leaders, but tonight I want to say I am a woman of empowerment who I very strongly believe in and have faith in.”