If these tents could talk…oh, the stories they would tell! The Daily eavesdrops on the most quotables of the day.
“This is the shortest my hair has been since I was six. It used to be down to my elbows. I loved having long hair!”—Neiman Marcus’ Ken Downing… “I’m a board shorts, mesh basketball shorts, or boxer briefs kind of guy. Something baggy!”—Kellan Lutz… “I like an escape. My dream is to go on the Orient Express.”—Kate Spade New York’s creative director, Deborah Lloyd… “I lounge around in sweatpants!”—Anna Kendrick on her personal style M.O…. “Me at 9 p.m.; I’m pregnant with twin girls and I’m wearing heels.”—Zanna Roberts Rassi on the grumpiest person at Fash Week… “Christian Bale is an out-o-control genius. I love him fat, skinny, Batman, whatever.”—Giovanna Battaglia… “I wanted to represent New York. It’s about the streets, the people, the energy. The people are what make New York.”
—Donna Karan