Victoria Beckham InStyle cover
“You know, I don’t even think of you anymore as that person,” Tom Ford told Victoria Beckham recently, referring to her Spice Girl days. And so InStyle’s April cover story on the posh pop-princess turned designer begins, before Eric Wilson dives head-first into Beckham’s paparazzi-crazed life, the evolution of her collections (including her latest mother-daughter one for Target), mommyhood, maintaining her image, and more. Read the full interview when the issue hits newsstands March 17; in the meantime, get your fix with a few excerpts, below.
On Tom Ford recognizing her as a designer over a Spice Girl…
“I’m really proud of what I achieved with the Spice Girls, but I’m also proud of everything I have done with my brand. So that meant a lot to me, you know? That’s Tom Ford saying, ‘We look at you as a credible designer,’ which was very cool.”
On living with the reality of paparazzi…
“I think people would really be surprised at how we try to avoid too much attention. But there are certain places where you cannot avoid being photographed. It is what it is. I’ve had this since I was 18 years old.”
In response to the reviews of her first collection in 2008…
“I’ve got a pretty thick skin. It could have been worse. They could have said, ‘We thought it was going to be rubbish, and it is.’ Instead, they thought it was really good, and I look at that as a positive. I look at everything as a positive, to be honest with you.”
On her latest collection for Target…
“You really get a sense of the relationship between Harper and me. This is fun, easy, cute, all of those things. Very honest. Very me.”
On her children…
“Four is a lot, and they’re all so great. My fifth child is my brand.”