Watch your back, TMZ. Page Six TV is coming this summer in a new FOX gossip show that covers the worlds of entertainment, culture, media, finance, real estate, and politics via a panel of experts and insiders, according to a report in (ha!) Page Six. The half-hour show will be shot in New York City and premieres on July 18 in a three-week preview (a.k.a. trial) on select FOX TV stations in the top markets, including New York and Los Angeles. “Page Six has been driving the conversation for decades, and in New York it’s everyone’s first read, whether in the paper or online,” said Jesse Angelo, publisher of the New York Post. “With Page Six TV, we’ll explore a new medium and grow our reach. It will be a true New York Post product—smart, funny, biting, and entertaining, covering the people and topics that make this city, and the world, tick.” We’ll be watching.
Page Six Is Coming to TV
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