One blogger stands apart from the rest of the fashion pack, thanks to her keen eye for art in all its forms. Pari Ehsan, the petite brunette behind the wildly popular blog Pari Dust challenges herself to pair designer looks with high art. Some of her greatest hits include an homage to one hypnotic Marc Jacobs look and a visit to The Brant Foundation in Greenwich. With flights to Miami booked and Art Basel on the brain, we caught up with Pari, who is set to debut a week-long collaboration with Superga during the art-centric bacchanal starting next week.
How did the concept of Pari Dust come together?
My original loves were always art and fashion so I started Pari Dust as a means to immerse myself in these two worlds. Also it was a response to my desire for a more creative and free spirited outlet for myself.
What’s your strategy for pairing the clothes with the artwork? The outfits and the artwork don’t always match perfectly.
It’s a very intuitive process. I think my eye is trained to pull out elements from the artwork, and from there I begin to create a dialogue with the clothing. It’s a combination of line, texture, and color. Overall, I try to emanate the overall feeling of the artwork in the styling.
Does the art or the fashion come first?
Usually the art is a catalyst for the fashion, but sometimes it’s the other way around. It can work both ways. I always try to create that balance where one does not overpower the other and both the art and fashion interact with each other to create an entirely new composition.
Are there any shoots you’re particularly proud of?
A favorite is definitely the Sterling Ruby x Valentino pairing I did at Hauser & Wirth, a favorite artist and iconic designer combination. I also like to focus on younger, more emerging designers such as the shoot I did at the Dan Flavin Institute wearing Jacquemus.
We met at Donald Robertson’s Harper’s Bazaar UK show at Eric Firestone Gallery. Do you have any plans to work with him?
Donald is an amazing talent, I think we could do something really special together.
Are there any other artists you’re dying to work with?
So many, I love Sam Moyer, Lucy Dodd, and Kaari Upson. I also like the idea of collaborating with artists on a content creation level, am starting play around with video, working with a video artist. Really feel as if the possibilities are endless.
Keep up with Pari on Instagram: @PariDust