A new round of layoffs hit GQ yesterday. On the chopping block this time were senior fashion editor and grooming director Garrett Munce, service and lifestyle desk editor Ross McCammon, and culture editor Anna Peele.
Garrett Munce (Patrick McMullan)
Munce joined GQ as fashion editor in April of 2012, working under long-time staffers Brian Coats, Madeline Weeks, and Jim Moore. McCammon and Peele were more recent hires, arriving at GQ after long stints at rival men’s magazine Esquire where they each received multiple promotions before decamping to Condé Nast in 2016.
The Daily Front Row reached out to Munce and Peele for comment. Munce did not respond and Peele politely declined, although she has posted a couple of mildly sassy tweets since being let go.
Turns out smoking is NOT allowed in One World Trade. Thanks for two great years, GQ. Email me at aspeele at gmail dot com for impertinent interviews and soul-x-raying profiles. https://t.co/XWMpc8udzv
— Anna Peele (@bananapeele) May 15, 2018
Sources within Condé Nast say that the mood inside the offices of One World Trade Center is bleak, with many anticipating another round of staffing cuts next month, if not sooner. “Any day now, I feel like I’m going to walk in and find the lights shut off and that we’ve been closed down,” said one current Condé Nast staffer.
Given that Condé Nast recently began taking steps to consolidate their physical office space — reducing their footprint inside One World Trade Center from 1 million square feet across 23 floors to 650,000 square feet across 16 floors — further cuts are all but guaranteed. It’s really just a matter of when. And who.
Stay tuned!
CORRECTION: A previous version of this story stated that two members of the advertising and marketing team were also let go. A representative from Condé Nast says this is not the case.
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