Editor’s Pick: Alka-White Alkaline Oral Cleanse

by The Daily Front Row

What: A great way to improve your overall oral health — from sensitive teeth, to bleeding gums, to general bad breath — each tube contains 15 tabs designed to remineralize and detoxify your mouth in just 5 days.

Who: Dr. Lewis Gross DDS, started working on AlkaWhite in 2016, after he noticed a disturbing trend among the patients in his TriBeCa Holistic Dental Clinic — severe sensitivity, thinning enamel, bad breath, inflamed gums, and more, even in patients with exemplary oral hygiene. Dr. Gross determined that the shared thread was damage from chronic and persistent exposure to oral acidity and began developing what is now called “The Alkaline Oral Cleanse.”

Why: “Breaking the acid erosion cycle is a key step to improving oral health,” says Arden Gardell, Dr. Gross’s son and business partner. “There are so many people that can benefit from AlkaWhite, but anyone with sensitive teeth is a prime candidate and if you have bleeding gums or chronic bad breath, a ‘reset’ of the oral environment can do wonders.  Most important is to realize that each of us experiences periods of increased and potentially damaging acidity throughout our lives. Be it due to a change in diet, a juice cleanse, stress, or even medications, buffering against the harmful side effects of oral acids is key to improving our overall oral, and systemic health.  For any and all of these scenarios Dr. Gross and I recommend a 5-Day cleanse every 2-4 months.”

Arden Gardell

It’s also an excellent post-bleaching regimen. “Whether you used an at-home kit or visited the Dr., truly effective whitening processes all leave your gums sore and teeth often in agony,” says Gardell. AlkaWhite helps the gum line heal naturally and the teeth to remineralize against sensitivity. Further, AlkaWhite helps seal the surface of your new smile, so results last longer than normal!”

Where: Alkawhite.com

How (much): $20 for a 5-day cleanse

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