A Post-Holiday Pow Wow with Paige Novick

by Paige Reddinger

Jewelry designer Paige Novick jetted off to Jamaica for the holidays, so we caught up with her on her holiday, her wish list, her thoughts on jewelry at the beach, and her New Year’s resolutions for 2017!

Tell us about your vacation to Jamaica!
Save for an intimate encounter with a sea urchin…ouch!…the trip was a 10. My friend, Suze Yalof Schwartz, founder of Unplug Meditation in L.A., and I meditated on the beach every day, which was magical.

What was on your holiday wish list?
A gift certificate to Aire Baths NYC, Don Julio 1942 Tequila, a gift certificate to Fleur du Mal, Lauren Collins’ terrific memoir, When in French: Love in a Second Language, and a sweater from Lingua Franca from Fivestory. And I bought myself the Shibui massage at the Greenwich Hotel after a long, hard year!

Do you recommend wearing jewelry to the beach?
I love a statement earring with a bikini. I think it is very chic and unexpected. I tend to shy away from necklaces and rings because of the oils, but a strong earring can take your J.Crew to new heights.

How do you maintain your tiny figure?
I’m flattered by the descriptive! I consider myself moderate in my workout routine, but I am a Flybarre Power 45 devotee, which I try to do twice a week supplemented by the elliptical. I also eat well and lead a very active lifestyle. I run around a lot to appointments and always prefer to walk rather than take public transportation.

What brands do you like to wear when working out?
I’ve recently become obsessed with Athletic Propulsion Lab. They knock it out of the park with their technology and distinctive style. I’m a convert!

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions?
I’m going high and low here on the New Year’s resolution front:
1) Turn off my inner critic
2) Be more grateful
3) Dance as much as I can
4) Once and for all get those piles of clothing in my closet to Housing Works
5) Ween myself off of obsessively checking my iPhone
6) Trust my inner voice more

Nice! What were some of the most popular jewelry purchases for the holidays?
The single statement earring with curved diamond bar and the infinity mini diamond ear climbers have been the top to sellers for Holiday.

What’s to come for 2017?
This spring we will be launching on our website a collection of modular earrings and chokers with a focus on gemstones with healing properties. You will be able to customize your piece based on the stone that resonates with you. It could be your birthstone or just one that you connect with because of its meaning.

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