Tommy Hilfiger is embarking on another global adventure. The next destination for his “see now, buy now” (also known as TOMMYNOW) show? Milan, where he will show his SS18 collection during its fashion week in February 2018. “My vision for TOMMYNOW was to create a global platform that we could take on tour to bring our show experience to new audiences around the world,” said Hilfiger in a statement. “It’s about the fusion of fashion, entertainment and pop culture with experiences, performances and inspiring interactions that are designed around our consumers. As one of the fashion capitals of the world, Milan is the perfect place to celebrate our next TOMMYNOW show. For the second season, TommyNow will combine men’s and women’s, including the fourth TommyXGigi collection (score!), and all looks will be immediately shoppable.
Tommy Hilfiger to Show at Milan Fashion Week
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