Chic Wheels From The Mark Hotel And Bergdorf Goodman

by Sydney Sadick

Staying at The Mark Hotel and want to make a quick shopping trip to Bergdorf’s? Don’t worry about hailing a cab or waiting for an Uber…or even walking, for that matter. The luxe department store and Upper East Side hotel have teamed up to unveil The Mark Bergdorf Goodman Express, a complimentary pedicab that ferries guests to and from the department store all summer long. What’s more? The “Express” will even stand by to take shopping bags directly to a guest’s room. Talk about service! In addition, all suite guests at the hotel will receive a $500 gift card to the store, a complimentary facial, and complimentary personal styling and shopping appointments with one of Bergdorf’s personal stylists. These special guests can even get exclusive access to shop chez BG before and after hours. OK, now we’re jealous…

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