Jasmine Sanders aka Golden Barbie turns 30 today and she’s celebrating with the launch of her first-ever workout program (as one does) with Tone It Up, the well known fitness community for women. The Best by Jasmine Sanders is a 4-week transformative program designed to help women of all fitness levels. We got on a Zoom with the birthday girl to get the skinny on the program and find out how she feels about another trip around the globe.
Fill us in on The Best by Jasmine Sanders!
It’s a four week workout program where you’re going to work your butt off, and you’re also going to focus on your mental health and getting in a better space. I feel like with COVID, with everything that’s happened, I had to focus on myself a lot more, I had a lot more free time, and a lot more free time to focus on things that really made me happy. For me, it has always been being in the gym or being active in some type of way, whether that was with my friends and family or just doing something on my own; riding bikes, going on walks with my dogs playing in the backyard, or in the pool, or park. People have constantly asked me for tips and tricks on how I stay fit and mentally and physically prepared for work, and traveling so much. I wanted to put a program together where you can find everything in one place.
Are you a certified personal trainer?
I’m not, but I did sit down with their team and figure out programs that were ones that I’ve done with my personal trainer and ones that I’ve loved and really helped me out. I sat down and made programs that their team has gone through and their team made sure that I was doing proper positioning and everything on set so I can give the best product at the end of the day.
What kind of workouts are you going to be doing in the program?
There are sculpted and toned workouts, there are meditation and proper stretching, there’s butt workouts because I know the girls want to make sure that they look good at all times. There’s a lot of ab workouts that I know have really helped to change how my core looks and kept me strong. I wanted to share some tips and tricks so people get the results they want and also feel really good, comfortable and confident about themselves stepping into the world again.
Jasmine Sanders (Courtesy
Would a person just start the program over again after four weeks? How does that work?
You can. I’ll be having another program come out. You can also surf through their app, they have so many different workouts. I do a lot of the meditations, which are extremely helpful. Especially for the moms. When I decide to have kids later in life, that’s exactly what I’ll be checking out because every workout that [Tone It Up co-founder} Katrina Scott puts out there, I’m just like, “Okay, this is bomb.” I know everyone’s doing the 640 workout right now. If you’re starting with my program, you can go back and do 640 later.
I like the name “The Best.” Did you come up with that?
I did. I was just trying to think of something. I sat around with my friends. I was just like, “What can I do with this?” They have heard me talk about doing programs and doing workout videos and tapes. If was going to do YouTube, or this or that, and they were so excited that I was actually putting my ideas on paper making it happen. I gave myself a deadline of six months. So I was like, “I turned 30 on the 22nd of this month. This is the perfect time for me to drop my first program, my first thing that everybody can see. Everybody can see what I’ve been up to all year, what I’ve been putting my heart and soul into.” I’ve been focusing on really being the best version of myself for everyone else as well. You move better when you’re nicer to people, and you’re nicer to people when you take care of yourself more. Making sure that I focus on my self care time, whether that’s taking a long bath, talking to my therapist, going on walks with my dogs, going on bike rides with my friends; just getting out and doing things that make me happy. Then also stretching in the morning, taking my vitamins, and eating healthy so that way everything that I’m putting in is good in and good out.
Have you always been a super healthy person?
It’s been up and down. When I was a teenager obviously I liked to eat junk food and stuff. I still snack here and there. But I’ve grown to love cooking more. Now I experiment more in the kitchen. I’ve got an air fryer which I’m obsessed with and I cook all of my salmon and quinoa dishes and just lighter meals.
Jasmine Sanders (Courtesy
What about equipment? I saw on the website there’s some equipment that is great for the program. Tell me about that.
I use their jump rope all the time. Because it’s in all of my warmups I try to do at least three minutes. If I’m going really hard that day, I’ll try to just jump as long as I can for 10 minutes, obviously stopping in between if I need to. I’m no professional jump rope star or anything but I do love their jump rope. I also love the foam roller which is extremely useful and not that big. You can stuff it in a carry on. They also have their ankle weights which are nice to just throw on and do some of the glute workouts, get your legs nice and toned. In my program, I show you how you can use chairs or the couch to get your arms toned. I’m also obsessed with their bars. Their birthday cake bar is really good.
I was gonna ask you about your birthday. You’re turning 30 today and you’re launching the app the same day. The launch coinciding with your birthday was obviously purpose. Why did you want to launch on your birthday?
Everybody’s always trying to figure out something to get me. I’m like, “Guys, don’t give me anything, if you’re going to do something, do something that’s going to make yourself better, or give it to someone else. So that way they can feel good about themselves.” I feel like a lot of people have either gone the route of working out the entire time during COVID, or not really being happy with where they are mentally or physically. I just wanted to build a program that could build people up and empower them and make them feel good about themselves. I feel like it’s a good way to partner up with a friend of yours. It’s nice when you get to hold somebody accountable. I feel like a lot of us have also grown a lot closer with our families during this time, because we’ve had more time to talk to them so it might be a fun activity to do with them as well, and fun for the summer as well.
30 is a monumental age. How do you feel about turning 30?
I don’t know, I feel like it’s gonna be very refreshing. If anything, I feel like I’m going to focus on myself a lot more. And just take care of myself the way that I take care of other people. I feel like it’ll be very refreshing and very eye opening and a good year. All in all, 29 was great. 30 should be amazing. Especially with coming out with this app with Tone It Up and being a part of the family. I can’t wait to show everybody what I’ve been working on so hard. I hope everybody likes it.
Are you going to do anything to celebrate your birthday?
I’m having a party. I really wanted to get together with all of my friends and family and people in my life that have helped mold me in these crazy 30 years. And also have always been there for me and supported me and Tone It Up is helping me throw an amazing 30th birthday. It’ll be in LA. It’ll be beautiful just because I know that I’m gonna have a room full of people that really love me. I’m excited, and I think we’re going to go on a fun trip. Tune in to my Instagram. I’m gonna eat a lot of cake and candies and just enjoy it and embrace it. We only turn 30 once and everybody talks so good about 30 so I’m excited.
Are you coming to New York for fashion week in September?
That’s the plan. The plan is to get back into gear with working and being in fashion again. I miss it so much. I miss my fashion friends. I miss you. I miss everybody. I just want to create again, I miss being creative and being on set and seeing all of the fun things that people come up with, and being a part of it. I can’t wait to be a part of Fashion Week, I can’t wait to see what’s going on for swim week and celebrate Sports Illustrated.
The Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue comes out in July. How do you feel about being in it once again?
Amazing. It’s always awesome. Honestly, I think it was a big part of my confidence shift. Just being able to work with such an empowering team. A team that really wants you to focus on your happiness and how good you feel and clothes or in the smallest bikinis and also giving back and doing charity work. It’s fun doing all of the fashion stuff, but I love talking to people, I love being able to embrace people and help them and that’s why I can’t wait until we can finally hug again. I want to travel and be able to work with different charities where I can help kids more. I just feel like Sports Illustrated has always been that client to make sure that if you aren’t already doing all of those things, they’re going to help you in some way to do it. They’re going to also empower you and make you feel amazing when you’re on set. You feel so respected. You feel strong. The list goes on, sexy, empowered, all of it. You just feel great. I can’t wait to see the images and I can’t wait to show everybody. I hope you guys like them!
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