Katie Rosman, formerly features reporter of the Personal Journal at The Wall Street Journal, has been named Sunday Styles editor …
Entertainment Fusion Group
Katie Rosman, formerly features reporter of the Personal Journal at The Wall Street Journal, has been named Sunday Styles editor …
Tasha Green, formerly men’s style editor at WSJ Weekend and WSJ., has been named fashion editor at Billboard…Sarah Kennedy, formerly …
Bruce Pask, formerly men’s fashion director at T: The New York Times Style Magazine, has been named men’s fashion director …
John Avlon, formerly executive editor at The Daily Beast, has been named editor-in-chief at the publication…Noah Shachtman, formerly executive editor, …
Jess Cagle, formerly editor at Entertainment Weekly, has been named editor at People and editorial director at Entertainment Weekly…Larry Hackett, …
Stephen Mooallem, formerly editor-in-chief at Interview, has been named executive editor at Harper’s Bazaar…Shilpa Prabhakar Nadella, formerly assistant fashion editor …
Paul Ritter, formerly design director at Elle, has been named creative director at Glamour…Lisa Steinmeyer, formerly design director at Lucky, …
Meredith Melling Burke, formerly senior market editor at Vogue, has left the publication to pursue a venture with Vogue’s bookings …
Eric Pike, formerly creative director at Martha Stewart Living, has been named editor-in-chief at the publication…Pilar Guzmán, formerly VP and …
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