New York-based jewelry designer Ippolita Rostagno, who hails from Florence, Italy, is entering the digital arena to support fellow artisans. She’s launching an e-commerce site and online magazine,, a collection of home decor, design, jewelry, and art pieces made in Italy. The site offers a space for more than 1,600 handmade products from more than 100 Italian artists, from glass masters to goldsmiths, like Bruno Gambone, Antonio Sciortino, and Giacomo Moor. Each artisan has their own virtual store on ARTEMEST, and the site’s team updates content regularly with articles and interviews with international art and decor experts. “At ARTEMEST, we believe in the value of art and creativity as the foundation of civilized society and innovation,” Rostagno said in a release. She created ARTEMEST with the aim to promote Italian craftsmanship and tradition through a digital channel and with curated storytelling. Below, a selection of some of the original pieces that can be found on now.