We always love the chance to chat with Jourdan Dunn; she’s always a laugh, thanks to her honesty. Earlier today, we caught up with her as she was getting her makeup done backstage for tonight’s Victoria’s Secret show at the Armory, airing on CBS on December 10th. How did Dunn prepare for the big night? Well…
Are you in New York just for the show?
I’ve been here for a week and I’m going to be staying another week working on other things.
You and Cara Delevingne are close buddies, and you’re sitting next to each other backstage. Is that something you requested?
I said that wherever Cara goes, I go.
How are you feeling on show day?
It’s nerve wracking. A lot of the girls here do shows all the time, but everyone gets so nervous and anxious doing this one. It’s crazy, but it’s also exciting.
What’s everybody fearful of?
Falling! And being able to pull off sexy. You have to pull of the whole Victoria’s Secret model thing.
Have you been getting into shape?
Not really! I feel so bad. All these girls are in the gym and posting pics and I’m like eating in front of the TV. Cara and I were saying that we should probably bring food to the show…the girls will probably cut us with their bones. That wouldn’t be a good look. This weekend, I did try to go to the gym, but I haven’t really prepped myself.
What do you do at the gym?
My brother is a personal trainer, so I was working with him on my bum and my abs.
What do you like to do when you’re in New York?
It’s really bad, but I just like being in my front room watching reality TV shows. I know it’s so bad, but that’s what I do.
What do you watch?
All the ratchet ones. Love & Hip Hop, Black Ink, and Atlanta Housewives. There are some good ones, like Top Chef and Master Chef. Iron Chef is my favorite.
Are you shooting your cooking show, Well Dunn, in New York?
Yeah! The next one is going to be Alexander Wang, which is pretty exciting. We’re going to do something different!