At Last! New York City To Enter Phase 2 on Monday

by Eddie Roche

New York City will be entering Phase 2 of their reopening on Monday, June 22, Governor Andrew Cuomo said today. Phase 2 means that restaurants and bars can offer outdoor dining along with the return of retail, professional services, administrative support, real estate and leasing.

“New York City will have been Phase 1 for 14 days. Look at all the numbers, all the numbers are good. Look at the number of tests, the positive tests, you look at it from the point of reopening, the numbers are good,” Governor Cuomo said in is daily briefing. “Hospitalizations since reopening, the numbers are good, so New York City is on track to enter Phase 2 on Monday.”

“Employers, storeowners, employees, individuals, local governments have to be responsible and do their job,” he said.

Some of the new rules for retail stores include 6ft distance between individuals, employees and customer presence must be limited to no more than 50% of the maximum occupancy, and fitting rooms must have hand sanitizer.

Cuomo also said he would be ending his popular daily briefings on Friday. He will hold them in the future as needed.

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