With an endless amount of options to choose from when it comes to finding the right wine, South American’s Bodega Garzón is setting itself apart from the rest. Based on the eastern coast of Uruguay, the winery has made sustainability a priority and has a growing portfolio of wines at various price points. What’s the secret to this breakthrough vino? Christian Wylie, managing director at Bodega Garzón, tells all!
Tell us a little bit about Bodega Garzón.
It’s absolutely fantastic. It’s in the county of Garzón, which is located northeast in Maldonado, on the eastern coast of Uruguay. We have vineyards and olive groves on the hills, where we make Garzón wines and Garzón olive oil. It’s an awesome destination. They started making the olive oil about 15 years ago and the wine about 10 years ago. Today, we’re one of the top wineries in the world. It’s a family business that is owned by Alejandro Pedro Bulgheroni. He’s from Argentina but has a residence in Uruguay.
What differentiates Bodega Garzón wine from others?
The drinkability is high. The wines are balanced, fresh, and vibrant. They’re easy to drink. People come back for more. That has to do with the taste! We have Atlantic Ocean influence and granitic soil, which gives good minerality and makes the wine light. The whole estate is on top of a mother rock. It’s the oldest granite on the planet. There’s a lot of energy, and the wines are super approachable.
Which of the Bodega Garzón wines do you recommend?
That’s a difficult question and a good one! Whenever I get this question, it’s like saying which kid I prefer. Our pinot noir rosé is awesome. It’s perfect for a lot of occasions and stands out at most meals. You’ll enjoy magnums of it!
Talk to us about Bodega Garzón’s commitment to sustainability.
It’s one of the main pillars of the philosophy of Garzón. In this case, it’s second to none worldwide. The owner, Mr. Bulgheroni, is an engineer and he’s been working in sustainability and clean energy for decades. He’s top-notch when it comes to sustainability. We produce as sustainably as it gets, but we don’t stop there. We built our winery following the strict U.S. council protocols. Garzón is the only winery in the world that’s 100 percent LEED certified. It stands for leadership in energy and environmental design and is especially relevant on the West Coast. In the case of the winery, they invested $20 million more on the building than they would have if it wasn’t LEED certified. It means we have the largest green roofs in any building in South America; it means we have clean energy and natural light. It also means we’ll be saving energy every day until we actually recover the investment. It’s an important part of the philosophy and commitment of Garzón and very forward-thinking.
What’s the Garzón Experience?
We developed the Garzón Experience with our hospitality team. Basically, we make wines and sell products, but we also create experiences and provide services. At any time of the year, you can visit Garzón and you’ll find 10 different experiences available. Anything from a simple tour, all the way to flying in a helicopter or cooking with our chef. We have a fantastic restaurant on the property. It’s been rated the best restaurant at a winery in the world. The culinary director has been part of the Experience for decades. It’s an absolute treat. It’s a second-to-none operation. The Experiences also include making your own personal blend of wine!
Where can we find Bodega Garzón wines?
Our wines are sold in more than 50 countries. We’re in all the States. Whole Foods carries our wines. The Faena restaurant in South Beach carries it.
What have you learned working in the wine world?
I’ve learned you should drink as much water as you drink wine! I learned that later on, but it’s actually important. I’m going on two decades plus in the industry. It’s all I know. The more you work, travel, see, and evolve, you figure out that there’s a whole universe of wines and vineyards out there offering great varieties. Each wine is a work of art. That’s why we like to support Art Basel in Miami. I’ve also learned it’s a people business. You’re only as good as your team and your partners and clients. You’re also only as good as the last harvest. It depends on nature. Nature can gift you a wonderful vintage or it can give you a tough year. You need to be long-term oriented and quality oriented. But drinking wine is better than drinking beer or spirits; you just need to be responsible with your drinking. Be genuine!
Nice! Any final thoughts?
I want to add that Garzón and Uruguay are fantastic places to visit. It’s near a super cool part of the world. Everyone who comes here can’t believe what they see and feel and the experience they have. You can connect with your human essence. You breathe. You exhale. The town of Garzón has a lot of art galleries. It’s not just wine. There’s a whole world to discover in the Garzón universe. It’s well worth it for people to come here!.