When fragrance is the family business, recognizing sensational scents is simply second nature, as proven by Elisa Lempicka. As the daughter of Parisian perfume maven, Lolita Lempicka, and New York based design director of the brand, this girl knows her way around a good smell. While Lolita Lempicka is perhaps best known for their lavender Eau de Parfum, the maison just introduced its sultry sister scent, Elle L’Aime. Spray it on, Elisa!
What’s the dish on the new fragrance, Elle L’Aime?
It’s a true floral perfume; it’s really natural, with pure ingredients. Elle L’Aime is the first true floral in our collection. The bottle design is gold and luxurious, so it fits in with the current lineup.
How much work goes into creating a fragrance?
Our process starts with brainstorming. We find something that inspires us and explore different ways to express it. It takes months of smelling sessions to find such complex ingredients. It’s really tiring to smell so many scents, and sometimes it can take years to finish the project. We take everything very seriously, from the concept to the actual bottle design.
Do you have any favorite notes?
My favorites are vanilla, bergamot, citrus, blackberry, beeswax, and Tiare flower in summertime.
Which area of NYC smells the best?
My favorite is US Evergreens, a store in the flower district. It truly smells like nature!
The worst?
Definitely the Garment District!
What was the first perfume you ever wore?
The first perfume I ever wore was Eau de Bonpoint, when I was very little. And, then I wore Eau de Charlotte Annick Goutal. The first perfume I chose for myself was L’Heure Bleu Guerlain, at nine years old.
Do you swap up scents for different occasions?
If I’m going out, I’ll wear something more oriental. In the morning, I like something fresh. In the winter, I choose something woodier and then in the summer I’ll pick something exotic and flowery.