The Purse-Holding Provocateur: Vaishali Dev’s Fashion Statement

by Tom White

As Vaishali Dev stood in the shadow of Colorado’s majestic Rockies, a simple seethrough purse became an unexpected symbol of gender equality. And the man holding it? None other than Vaishali’s husband.

Vaishali Dev, a vivacious entrepreneur with a penchant for pushing boundaries and shattering stereotypes, orchestrated a subtle yet powerful statement at a recent wedding.

“The thought occurred to me that my husband and I were walking around and talking with people at the wedding, and I gave him my purse. And then I said, keep holding it, and let’s see where this goes.”

But don’t mistake her for just another socialite with a cause. This CEO of a mechanical engineering firm, turned movie producer is redefining what it means to be a “girly girl” in today’s world.

“My friends would ask, ‘Vaishali, do you want to do something girly, or just constantly do what all the men do out there?'” she recalls with a laugh. Her response? Why not both?

From running an engineering company that contracts with the Department of Defense to producing a a new film about women in shelter homes, Dev refuses to be boxed in. 

Her latest venture? An event planning business that allows her creativity to “blossom.”

But her impromptu fashion statement is turned heads by challenging the norm. 

Imagine this scene: a sea of yellow-clad guests against the backdrop of Denver’s stunning mountain vistas. Amidst the crowd, Dev’s husband confidently strolls about with her designer purse in hand.

“He just seemed very happy and very confident about himself,” Dev muses. “He had this aura… he kind of glowed.”

Image credit: Vaishali Dev

What started as a practical request – “Hold my purse while I fix my dress” – evolved into a powerful message about partnership and equality. 

Unfazed by raised eyebrows or probing questions, Dev’s husband took it all in stride. “He continued to laugh through it, work through it, smile through it,” she recalls proudly.

But why a purse? Why now?

For Dev, it’s about more than just accessorizing. It’s a rumination of her upbringing and her vision for the future. 

As the only child of progressive parents, she was encouraged to “walk in a man’s world” while still embracing her cultural heritage.  As a mother of two girls, she’s passing on those values to the next generation.

“My husband took on the role of encouraging and teaching my little girls everything from electrical work to plumbing,” she explains. “It’s about breaking down barriers and building stronger, more equitable relationships.”

Image credit: Vaishali Dev

This philosophy extends beyond her personal life. Dev and her husband are in the process of launching the Bloom Foundation, which aims to support women “of all ages, stages, and phases of life.” 

The purse-holding moment, she believes, aligns perfectly with this mission.

“It’s a powerful statement of support, equality, and partnership,” Dev asserts. “As society continues to evolve, these small acts may collectively help pave the way towards a more inclusive and understanding world.”

But don’t think for a second that Dev’s advocacy stops at accessories. She’s got her sights set on bigger stages – literally. 

This September, she’ll be strutting down the runway at New York Fashion Week, fulfilling a lifelong dream of modeling.

“Dreams have a way of happening when they do happen,” she reflects. “I’m at a point in my life where I do not want to deprive myself of anything I wanted to do, but at the same token, as I fulfill my dreams, I want to inspire every woman out there to fulfill hers, no matter what they are.”

As for advice to others looking to foster equality and respect in their relationships? 

Vaishali Dev emphasizes the importance of active listening and open communication. 

“Acknowledge your partner’s feelings and respond with understanding,” she urges. “It demonstrates respect and builds trust.” 

She also stresses the need for vulnerability and authenticity. “Don’t be afraid of being judged by your partner,” Dev advises. “There’s strength in being honest.”

And when disagreements arise? “We’ve agreed to disagree and then move on,” she says with a smile. Looking ahead, Dev shows no signs of slowing down. 

She’s planning a fashion showcase in San Antonio featuring designs by herself and her daughters. 

“It’s going to be very hard walking in those high heels,” she admits with a chuckle. “But I think the journey itself is fun.”

Dev pauses as our conversation winds down, smiling with a cheeky glint in her eye. “I wonder what my husband would say about holding my purse?” she says.

Vaishali connected us with her husband, Prakash Dev. When asked if holding his wife’s purse was just for show, he said, “Carrying my wife’s purse was more than a fashion trend; it was a cultural statement.” 

Prakash then says the whole thing was a symbolic statement supporting a more inclusive and diverse society in which individuals are not confined by traditional gender norms.

Vaishali’s purse-holding husband then doubled down, saying he supports a “world where personal style knows no gender boundaries.”

Image credit: Vaishali Dev

But in a world where a simple accessory can spark conversations that lead to change, maybe the message is this: It’s not just about what we say, but what we do. 

After all, in Vaishali Dev’s world, fashion isn’t just about what you wear. It’s about who you are, what you stand for, and the change you dare to make. One purse at a time.

Presented by APG

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