Darya Sizina, hailing from the Siberian town of Kyzyl, embarked on her journey of self-discovery right after completing her schooling. Initially testing the waters in the world of acting, she soon realized her true calling resided in the realm of journalism, forever beckoning her to the world of public exposure.
Darya owes a profound debt of gratitude to her parents, unwavering in their support, granting her the freedom to pivot between institutions in pursuit of her passion. In 2020, a pivotal decision led her to California, coinciding with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, necessitating an adaptation to online learning. This period saw her delve into makeup artistry, styling, video editing, and social media management.
During this period of self-discovery, there were moments when Sizina felt on the brink of depression, especially considering the hardships brought about by the pandemic, with many of us confined to our homes. However, by combining all the skills she had acquired, she found her true passion and a source of immense joy and happiness in her work – fashion influencing.
Indeed, it is a demanding vocation, at times exhausting, yet always gratifying. Fashion influencing transcends the boundaries of a typical job, morphing into a 24/7 lifestyle. In this industry, one must master the intricate dance of management, creativity, styling, and myriad other skills.
Darya’s responsibility extends beyond presenting herself to her followers; she also oversees communication and relationships with brands. Recognizing that not all creatives are inclined towards managing their personal brand, she created AD List, an agency specializing in communication and development, catering to both bloggers and brands.
Dedicated to perpetual self-improvement and elevating her visibility, Darya never misses a fashion week, consistently playing dual roles as a fashion influencer and a runway model. Her journey through the industry has granted her insights from various angles – as a model, donning new collections before they grace the runway, and as a fashion influencer, spotlighting the latest trends on her blog www.daryasizina.com and her Instagram page (@darya_sizina).
For those who share her passion for the fashion world and the industry, Darya encourages reaching out to her on Instagram. She eagerly embraces opportunities to connect, share her experiences, and impart knowledge. Her story stands as a testament to how passion and unwavering determination can usher in remarkable achievements in the worlds of fashion and social media.
Photographer: @ingamakeeva_ph
Presented by: DN News Desk