We receive pitches from publicists on a “Daily” basis, but some stick out more than others. Imagine our delight when we received this pitch from a pub we’ve been waiting to hear from all of our career. We’re happy to help out when we can…
To Who it May Concern:
My name is [redacted] and I am looking for Major Media exposure for Several People. Tameka Tiny Harris in ref to the new reality show Celebrity Mamas of Atlanta in which she will be co-producing. The cast currently consists of Mama Diane, Mama Cash, Mama Camp, Mama Shirleen, Lyrica Garrett and T.I Mom all of which are available for interviews, They are still Casting for moms of All entertainers. Mama Joyce is Pending*******bravo approval. I am also looking for exposure for Sweden hottest talent MizGin. Also Mikal Clay who is able to demonstrate and give away product for people with thinning hair and or Alopecia areata
“The best is yet to come”