What: “Pink Suit,” a painting created by Amoako Boafo in 2019.
Who: Amoako Boafo was born and raised in Ghana. After high school he studied art at the Ghanatta College of Arts and Design. After a chance encounter, he became curious about the art world in Austria, and applied to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Boafo still resides in Vienna today. Among his best-known work is the Black Diaspora series, which is comprised of portraits that celebrate his identity and blackness. This year, the artist made his debut at Art Basel in Miami.
Why: We can’t get over how beautiful this is! The richness and texture created by Boafo’s finger marks are beautifully offset by the solid blocks of pink. “I tried a few techniques, like with a brush, but I feel much more free when I’m painting with my fingers,” he told The Daily of his style. “I like the fact that I don’t have so much control.”
Where: Mariane Ibrahim Gallery
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