As Fashion Weeks are being given a rework during the Covid era, the industry is looking for additional formats to…
In Abercrombie & Fitch’s efforts to revamp the brand, new hires have been in full-swing since June. The most buzz-worthy? Aaron…
The latest moves in this season’s musical chairs rotation of creative directors: Carven has tapped both Alexis Martial and Adrien Caillaudaud to take over as artistic…
The latest moves in this season’s musical chairs rotation of creative directors: Carven has tapped both Alexis Martial and Adrien Caillaudaud to take over as artistic…
Is Iceberg’s Creative Director Headed To Carven? [Vogue UK] Iceberg’s Alexis Martial is said to be the frontrunner for the…
Is Iceberg’s Creative Director Headed To Carven? [Vogue UK] Iceberg’s Alexis Martial is said to be the frontrunner for the…