Hi, everyone! Sophie and Charlotte here! We know its been a minute but we’re back and ready to highlight some amazing new brands, people, products, and more to lead you into the spring/ summer months. Today we are interviewing Co Founder and Designer of the up and coming footwear brand Brunch. We found Brunch while we were searching to find the perfect shoe that males can wear to the beach. We discovered via Instagram and we couldn’t help but be obsessed with the incredibly simple yet genius concept: slippers you can wear as actual shoes! We reached out to Ally, co founder of Brunch and knew we had to get the full scoop behind the brand…
Sophie and Charlotte: Tell us about yourself. Where are you from; Age; Where do you live in NYC; How you got into designing.
Ally: Hey, I’m Ally Dayon and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I’m 24 now, but I’ve been into fashion and designing since high school when I started a hat brand which led to a sweatshirt brand. Back then it was more of a hobby than a business, but I’ve definitely been into design for quite some time.
Charlotte: Now let’s talk about “Brunch”; How did you get started and come up with the concept?
Ally: Honestly, I think it all started with my knack for packing uncomfortable shoes whenever I travel. Once I checked into a hotel, I would immediately put on the complementary hotel slippers and they were such a comfortable alternative that I would end up wearing them everywhere I went, from the pool to local shops and restaurants. It kind of became my signature, and I remember how people would stop me on the street and ask what company or brand the slippers were made by. The slippers were so simple, but people were just captivated by them. That’s when I started thinking about the possibility of making these slippers a trend. The main issue with the complementary hotel slippers though was that without a sole they weren’t really functional to wear out and about, so I went into development and realized that by adding polyurethane and memory foam, I could transform the hotel slipper into a real shoe that could be worn for any occasion. And that’s how Le Classic was born.
Brunch US (Courtesy)
Sophie: How did you come up with the name?
Ally: Once the product had been perfected, I knew I needed a name that really captured its essence. I finally settled on Brunch because the ease and comfort of the slipper, how you can just transition from lounging to socializing, made it perfect footwear for brunch. It just so happened that I would also always be wearing them during my weekend brunches.
Charlotte: Since you’ve now made it acceptable to wear slippers outdoors, where are your go-to spots to wear your “Brunch” slippers?
Ally: The best part about these slippers is that you truly can wear them wherever you go; they adapt to whatever your schedule looks like for the day. For me, that means they’re perfect for grabbing coffee, going shopping, strolling in the park, and of course, I never miss the chance to wear them to brunch.
Sophie: So is the brand only footwear or do you plan to expand into merch and/or street wear?
Ally: The brand is first and foremost a footwear brand so that’s where we plan to focus over the next few years, but we’ll also continue to release limited merchandise such as apparel, accessories, or home goods every once in a while.
Charlotte: If you could choose anyone to wear Brunch who would it be and why?
Ally: That’s a great question and I have to admit that I haven’t given it much thought before. Looking back at history, Princess Diana has always been one of my favorite fashion icons and I think she would really embody the brunch brand. It would honestly be so cool seeing her pair Le Classics with one of her amazing outfits.
Sophie: If you could have brunch with anyone, who would it be?
Ally: Again, another amazing question I haven’t thought about, but I would have to go with Phil Knight, the CEO of Nike. I mean, as someone breaking into footwear, it would be amazing to sit down with the man who started by selling shoes out of the trunk of his car before going on to create Nike. I think he would have a lot of valuable insight and advice for helping us navigate our business and avoid some common pitfalls.
Charlotte: I saw your collab with the iconic Miami Beach hotel “The Setai.” What other fun collabs can we look forward to?
Ally: Yes, the Setai collaboration was amazing, and we’ll definitely plan on collaborating with other hotels in the future. I can’t give you the specifics, but be on the lookout for the collaborations we have planned for 2021 with iconic restaurants, hotels, art galleries, and other really cool fashion brands.
Brunch US Instagram
Sophie: Where do you pull inspiration from when thinking of new styles to add to the brunch brand?
Ally: Believe it or not, most of our inspiration comes from streetwear. There’s a lot of cool trends and styles out there these days, but a lot of them are a little too much for my taste. I like to take the styles I like, simplify them with a minimalist spin, and then add a brunch twist in order to make them more accessible for the everyday consumer.
Charlotte: Speaking of brunch- Where’s your favorite spot in NYC to get brunch?
Ally: There are so many great New York brunch spots you really can’t go wrong, but some of my personal favorites are Russ and Daughters, Sadelle’s, and Jack’s Wife Freida.
Sophie: I heard you’re doing a pop up in NYC! Tell us more about it and what visitors can expect to see in the Pop up.
Ally: Yes, we’re very excited about it! It’ll take place in Soho this May and we plan on making it an amazing interactive experience for our customers by offering slippers in limited colors that can only be purchased in store as well as new product releases such as robes. It’s definitely going to be an experience you don’t want to miss out on. But for now you can check us out at our website Brunch.com or our Instagram @brunch.us
Brunch US (Courtesy)
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