Hard Work Gets You Everywhere, With Daniela Tablante

by Amir Bakian

Becoming a star isn’t instant. Work hard enough though, and you might end up achieving your dreams.
There is an old saying which rings true too often in this world… That hard work pays off. Never was this truer than with Spanish TV host, producer, and actress, Daniela Tablante. Some of us are born into greatness and some of us have greatness thrust upon them. For Daniela, greatness came as a result of dedicated hard work. But how did this seemingly small time Hispanic TV star get her career started? What can we learn from her story, to help us achieve the same heights? The answer lies in a lot of hard work.

Laying the Foundations for a Career in Television
How does one become a TV, radio, or internet star? Nowadays, we might try to do so over TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram. Ten years ago, however, television and radio work required countless hours of study. Even now, if you want to truly start a career in television, training to become an actor is the preferred method. The point is, it takes work. Daniela has two degrees because she knew the easy path to the top is never guaranteed. She studied Mass Communications at Lindenwood University, before going on to work as an intern with the NBC-affiliated KSDK group in St Louis.  After her graduation, Daniela wasn’t done yet. She worked for Univision Orlando for a year, then decided that she hadn’t had enough yet. Daniela Tablante returned to study as a graduate, to focus her talents farther. This time, studying a mass Communications and Media Business degree, with a mention in Hispanic Media.  While studying, Daniela got involved in the Scientific and Research departments, where she took active involvement in studies of the Zika Virus, the prejudices of mental illness in the Hispanic community, and other important campaigns. Ever since graduation, she has ferociously represented the Hispanic TV contingent in the USA.

A Blooming Career
What does one innovative woman do with all that education? She goes on to have a glittering career in television, of course… but that’s not all. Daniela has her own registered company in Florida, named Daniela Tablante Communications LLC, where she is both the creative director and the CEO. This firm foundation allows her to accurately represent herself in her business dealings. Saving both time and the expense of agencies. It doesn’t stop there, either. Daniela Tablante has been incredibly active on our screens for the last few years. Before graduating fully, she produced in Families are Forever, Parkland Strong. She helped produce films like Movie Springs, has worked as a freelancer for Univision and Azteca in Florida, and even represented Spain in Miss Europe 2020.  Although more famous in America than she is in Spain and Europe, Daniela is a Hispanic star with a beautiful personality, inside and out. From modelling for Miami Swim Week, to fighting for the rights of her people, Daniela is a force to be reckoned with. You can find her on her website, through her Facebook or on her Instagram feed… where some 476 thousand people follow her. That could be you one day, with a little hard work.

Presented by: Ascend Agency


Mariam April 12, 2021 - 7:20 PM

Gorgeous Prada !

Nog April 13, 2021 - 5:42 PM

Classy Prada shades are a must, she is so pretty btw!


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