The modeling industry has been notorious since the dawn of its creation for its exclusion and lack of diversity. Since the late 1990s and the rise of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism, there has been widespread critique of the un-inclusive ideal, which portrayed a repetitive type of beauty: fair skin, tall/ thin, with blonde, straight hair. These aesthetic expectations have caused young girls of Latin, Asian, and African descent to question their own beauty, as a consequence of not seeing much representation of women who look like them. Camila Kendra is a 23 year old, Dominican born elite model currently residing in south Florida, United States. Kendra’s heritage has been a focal point of excelling her career forward, as well as developing her branding.
Growing up, Camila had aspirations of becoming a runway swimsuit model, taking a liking to women like Kate Upton. She had immense apprehension on her odds of being a supermodel as an ethnic girl with big, curly hair. Kendra expresses that in the beginning of her modeling career, she felt ashamed, excluded, and misunderstood. Her own experiences overcoming racism has prompted her to launch The Children’s Kingdom in 2021 to support her home country. Camila’s professional career in modeling is much beyond her slim build or gorgeous selfies, she is a philanthropist first, and a model second. She uses her position of privilege as a high-end luxury model to continue to push the mission of The Children’s Kingdom forward. Camila has cemented her immense value of the childhood and children protection efforts, ensuring the recipients of the donations have clean water, shelter, medical attention, clothing. More than essential needs, she separated herself from other charities with her aim to emotionally empower children’s spirits from a young age, so they can combat any feelings of worthlessness or anxiety that she underwent. The childhood is significant not only in physical growth, but psychologically. Camila stated in 2022: “Today, as part of my many dreams, I have created a non- profit organization, The Children’s Kingdom Foundation, focused on empowering and helping children. Starting with my country of origin, Dominican Republic, and one day all over the world. Modeling has made me realize that what brings real meaning to my life and the greatest joy is working to help children. Children require a chance at a nutritional meal, a roof over their head, access to medical care, and the opportunity for a happy life. In my humblest opinion, there is no better use of my platform than to bring awareness to this cause.” To learn more about The Children’s Kingdom, donation information, or Camila Kendra’s modeling career, check out Instagram and the website .
@camila.kendra @thechildrens.kingdom
Presented by: Ascend Agency
lol she’s not a supermodel. She’s a retail model
Ramona sounds like a hater.
I agree!
@camila.kendra ARMageddon The Magazine next feature??? Cover Model Hopes A Super Model.
Amazing that a Dominican 🇩🇴 represent the good things in this world 🌎 blessings averyone.
Te felicito Camila por tu extaordinario trabajo, no eres solo una mujer hermosa , tambien compartes tu corazon con estas comunidades que tanto lo necesitan , gracias … y sigue adelante ….