Dear Fellow Publicist, This morning, I was all set to write a diatribe on Coachella and the attendees wearing crotchless …
uncensored publicist
This week, our fearless flack takes on who are arguably the most swagged-out editors: the beauty gurus. Dear Beauty Editor, …
Our fearless Flack is in the thick of event season. Naturally, she’s doing her best to recover… Dear Event Guest, …
As our favorite flack wraps up market week, she’s got a few choice words for the sales side. Dear Sales …
As our favorite flack wraps up market week, she’s got a few choice words for the sales side. Dear …
Shuffling to work in your Sorels? Our disgruntled flack approves wholeheartedly. Those of you aiming for a fashion moment? Not …
Nothing riles up our favorite Flack quite like the advent of #NYFW. Surely some of you can relate? Dearest designer, I …
Another Tuesday, another delicious missive from The Flack Files! Our anonymous publicist has told off bloggers, assistants, and of course, editors, and …
Another Tuesday, another delicious missive from The Flack Files! Our anonymous publicist has told off bloggers, assistants, and of course, editors, and …