Nik Mulani Lists 3 Things That Tell Your Personal Brand Is Above The Rest

by DN News Desk

Everyone is online nowadays, small and big brands alike, competing for the fleeting attention of users who’re looking to take a break online. Therefore, to capture the attention of these people and keep it long enough to make your case is extremely difficult. According to Nik Mulani, Chief Business Officer at Digital Nod, a digital brand-building agency, difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It is clear to see that some brands are thriving while others are struggling. Establishing a successful personal brand is a task that requires dedication and resilience. By taking incremental steps throughout the process, you can position your brand in a way that makes it stand out from the rest. Nik recommends that clients must never forget that there are thousands of other brands trying to take their place; therefore, it is crucial to be on your toes at all times and keep growing your personal brand. That said, how can you tell that your brand is now above the rest? Here are 3 ways to tell, as detailed by Nik Mulani:

People are connecting with your brand story
One of the basics of building a personal brand is crafting a brand story that speaks of who you are and what you care about. People will always remember stories, and you can easily tell if your story is getting the desired results. Your brand begins to gain traction when people start to connect with your story, so much so that they keep coming back and support your initiatives. Your brand story introduces you to your audience. You need a compelling story that will capture your audience and keep them interested in you.

Frequent recommendations and referrals
People engaging and reaching out to your personal brand online means you’re doing something right. Due to the crowded nature of the online space, not every brand will get as much engagement. This is where brands compete for the most. If people are reaching out to you for questions or recommendations, that shows an interest in your brand. Audiences recommending you, referring, and sharing your content also speak about your brand’s superiority over others in your industry.

Calls for collabs
Brands, influencers, and digital specialists want to work with brands that are doing well online. If you have brands reaching out for collaborations, it means your brand is above others in your field. Nik says that most partners do extensive research into brands they want to partner with before making a move. If you’re getting collab requests, your brand is moving in the right direction. With the above things helping you know that your brand is above others in your field, means that you shouldn’t stagnate, rather keep on building your brand.

Presented by: DN News Desk

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