Guests flocked to the Park Avenue Armory on Friday afternoon, despite the snowy conditions, to fête the opening of The Winter Show. The annual Design Luncheon kicked off the storied arts and antiques fair once more, with over 150 well-heeled attendees gathering in the stately Board of Officers Room for a seated luncheon and an inspiring panel about interiors led by New York Magazine’s iconic expert design editor, Wendy Goodman.
As everyone tucked into dessert post-lunch, Goodman was joined by Design Council co-chairs Billy Cotton, Ellen Hamilton, Alexa Hampton, Corey Damen Jenkins, and Peter Pennoyer for an engaging discussion about their work, how to approach projects, sources of creative inspiration, blending the old with the new, and much more, with members of the audience also posing questions to the fountains of design knowledge.
The must-visit fair, now in its 70th year, is not only a stalwart of New York’s cultural calendar and a destination for collectors and industry insiders from all over the country, but an important fundraising mission for the East Side House Settlement in the Bronx; a community-based organization focusing on expanding education and technology opportunities for those it serves.
The luncheon, which was hosted by Kate Rheinstein Brodsky, Julia Workman Brown, Jeffrey Caldwell, Lucinda May, and Starrett Ringbom, also incorporated a champagne reception and private tour of the show, where some 76 exhibitors from all over the world have curated their most special offerings, from furniture to jewelry, for the public’s perusal and purchase.
New York City-based fashion brand Cara Cara was a sponsoring partner of the event, ensuring that the table linens for the event were suitably stylish. Not to mention, most best-dressed attendees were spotted wearing the label too. Among the crowd were Allison Aston, Chesie Breen, Kate Brodsky, Jamie Drake, Linda Fargo, Sally Holmes, Blair Husain, Punch Hutton, Celerie Kemble, Meghan Klopp, Kate Lauprete, Alexia Leuschen, Chiara de Rege, Starrett, Zenko Ringbom, Marina Rust, Jamie Singer Soros, Jakub and Gosia Staron, JD Staron, Robert Stilin, and CeCe Barfield Thompson, and more.
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