No Success Without These Four! Sabrina Saggu Warns

by DN News Desk

Do you want to be a successful entrepreneur? Do you have lofty goals and dreams for our business, for your finances? Then these words from digital entrepreneur and financial educator Sabrina Saggu should be your guiding light. Many businesspeople are often inundated with many issues, some of them swallowed up by these issues. If it’s not government policies changing how people do business, it is a global pandemic upturning all our lives. There is always one hurdle or the other to cross. It is as though businesspeople are always solving one problem or the other.

But isn’t that what being in business is: solving problems? Maybe not the type of problem that takes money off the businessperson’s pocket, but there is something to find solutions. Sabrina Saggu is a 28-year-old digital entrepreneur who left her position in a top hotel in Canada to venture into digital entrepreneurship. Sabrina has helped hundreds of families escape the trap of having just one stream of income. Sabrina and her team consider themselves as the Harvard of Trading education. Sabrina links her success as a digital entrepreneur to four values. She says these values are universal; they are not specific to digital entrepreneurship. Faith, consistency, dedication, and a burning desire are the four values anyone who wants to be financially independent must possess, Sabrina says. Sabrina Saggu doesn’t believe that people can move up the financial ladder, change their financial narrative without these four values. A burning desire, Sabrina considers the most important value among the four. A burning desire will breed consistency and dedication and invariably build faith, both in the process and oneself. A burning desire is beyond just wanting to be rich. Sabrina believes one must have the desire that consumes. There is no room for being lackluster with financial success.

A desire to succeed must be stronger than the fear of failure. Sabrina Saggu was raised in Toronto, Canada, but was born in London, England, and spent some months in Nairobi, Kenya, when she was a child. When Sabrina decided that she was tired of hoping and waiting for her turn to each the next rung of the corporate ladder, she decided to resign from her job, barely two months after being employed. “I wanted to travel, explore, and where I was working, after I’d analyzed my opportunities, was not going to give me the traveling adventure I was looking for. I would only be allowed to travel twice a year; that’s not what I want.” Sabrina Saggu is bold, daring, and a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it.

Her four principles for success, she says, have helped her break financial and personal barriers. Educating and equipping over 300 families through trading education is no mean achievement. It is a testament that her principles do work. Sabrina Saggu advises girls and boys alike on the effect of dedication and consistency in making something good and positive off life, no matter where they’re from. Sabrina opines that no one can make significant progress if they are not dedicated to their dreams and business. To follow Sabrina Saggu’s journey and get first-hand info, check her pages on Instagram, Facebook, and Website today!

Presented by: DN News Desk

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