These days, it seems like everyone is working a gazillion jobs, pursuing infinite passions, and traveling all over the world. Over the coming days, we will be introducing you to a handful of the East End’s top talents whose success is generated by their magical ability to mix it all up. Meet Brooke Lampley!
Various Hustles: “I’m vice chairman of the Global Fine Arts Group at Sotheby’s. I manage a portfolio of high-net-worth clients and all their purchases, sales, and appraisal needs. As an expert in 20th-century art, I work closely with the Impressionist, Modern, Post-War, and Contemporary teams on sourcing major collections for our auctions and promoting the sales to buyers. Every day is different, but I’m always viewing, appraising, pricing, or pitching for art and that constant engagement with something I love is a satisfying thrill.”
How I Mix It Up: “It’s funny. Having been in the auction business for 15+ years, friends and family have always assumed that I auctioneer sales, which is actually an ancillary pursuit additional to one’s day job. Just this year, I started learning to auctioneer, and conducting sales in our auction room for the first time. It’s an interesting way to learn about our business from a different vantage point, explore other categories outside of my clients’ typical interests, and exercise different performance muscles.”
Brooke Lampley (Hannah Turner-Harts)
Travel Philosophy: “Maximum efficiency. I travel for work constantly, usually several days a week and often at a moment’s notice, so I can’t afford any anxiety. I have my go-to business travel outfit, and I only do carry-on luggage. I’m a totally mobile worker, and am accessible wherever I go. But I love to travel for pleasure. Now that my kids are old enough — ages 6 and 3 — I’m looking forward to traveling together as a family more. My older son has definitely inherited my wanderlust and welcomes any excuse to sit on a plane with an iPad.”
Growth Strategy: “It’s difficult, actually, because I invest so much of myself in my work and then have a full life at home, so it’s a concerted effort to make time for myself and my marriage. I have always loved to read novels, and I still read a ton of contemporary fiction. As a parent I find my desire for escapism gradually giving way to the responsibility I feel to know about the world, and I now routinely read two newspapers on my phone each morning. It’s a luxury that my job itself affords ample opportunities for education; I just came back from an amazing week at the Aspen Ideas Festival, spent a week at Harvard Business School last summer, and I’m constantly interfacing with clients who are business leaders in their respective fields, and I learn from them.”
Hamptons Obsessions: “I’ve become more disciplined about putting down my devices on weekends and during holidays. The physical separation of the Hamptons and the allure of the natural environment are conducive to unplugging. Plus, it supports an alternative lifestyle with my kids — two young boys who need all the space to bike, run, swim, hike, play tennis and baseball.”
Read the complete new issue of The Daily Summer below!
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