Meet Renaissance Man (And Hottie!) Andrew Matarazzo

by The Daily Front Row

Actor, author, and singer Andrew Matarazzo doesn’t put himself in any one category. The LA-based talent tells The Daily about the many projects he’s juggling, how he landed in Hollywood, and what he’s looking forward to for the year ahead. 

Tell us a little bit about your personal background! 
I moved from Brazil to Miami at around ten-years-old. My mom was always a big part of the artistic community so I think really early on, my creative side came out. I started with drawing and then eventually got into theater. My parents always really trusted that I knew what I wanted and really supported me when I started pursuing the arts more seriously. I studied abroad in England, and then moved to Los Angeles.

What brought you to LA?
I’d always wanted to live there and I had this sense that it would fit me well. I was debating between Juilliard in New York or CalArts in LA and when I got a scholarship to CalArts it was the catalyst to make the move. But I think England set the bar too high with the caliber of training and craft so CalArts felt very mild to me in comparison. That’s when I left and started [school] and started studying at private studios that I vibed with more. I then started getting opportunities that snowballed.

Was acting something you always wanted to pursue?
My earliest memories of what I wanted to be was a paleontologist! But when I got to middle school, it really shifted into taking acting seriously. I saw River Phoenix in Stand by Me and something just clicked.

You landed a role on Teen Wolf on MTV. How did that impact your life?
Not every show or role comes with a built-in fan base, so I got so lucky that this one did. [The fans] are so loving and incredibly supportive with everything I’ve done after. It’s wild how many still show up to the Comic Cons,  so many years later.

Andrew Matarazzo

Through the show you amassed an impressive Instagram following. How involved are you with your account? Are you on TikTok or any other platforms?
I’m really good about interacting with followers on both Instagram and TikTok and curating the content, but I do feel like I could be better and show a bit more of my silly side and less of a persona. I enjoy aesthetically pleasing things, so naturally I tend to share things that look surreal or special, but life isn’t always like that. I’ve been posting a lot more singing videos this year, which I want to keep steady.

You’re also a singer. What’s your vibe?
 I like playing with two sides of music—I love writing from a persona like my songs Blood and Omertà but I also love writing very personal songs like Andréa and Different Pages. I always focus on vocals and lyrics. That’s the core. I’m very influenced by Amy Winehouse, Billie Eilish, and Adele.

This year you released a book, BEDLAM. What’s the premise?
BEDLAM is a character-driven fiction that follows a group of teens trying to survive a newly-apocalyptic world. I wanted the backdrop to be the devastation, but it’s really more about their relationships and friendships, and all the tension that comes from survival. It’s been four years in the making, but I’d been sitting on the idea for ages. It was only when the pandemic hit that I was not only re-inspired, but I also had the time to finally tackle it.

 Between the SAG strike and COVID, you’ve had to be creative to keep going. What are you most proud of in the past few years?
Definitely taking music more seriously. I made a lot of excuses that it was just a hobby so that I didn’t have to be vulnerable with it, but I slowly got the confidence. And of course, publishing my book and seeing it on the shelves of bookstores was one of my greatest personal accomplishments.

You love fashion! How would you describe your style?
I like monochromatic, minimalist, and oversized clothing. Lots of vintage leather and denim. I toggle between classic stuff and the matrix.

Andrew Matarazzo

Andrew Matarazzo

Would you have any interest in your own line someday? What would it look like?
It’s on my radar, but very far in the distance. I think I’d rather collaborate with an existing brand. It would absolutely be very oversized, minimal, monochromatic, and probably have lots of stuff that looks and feels like leather.

You were recently a speaker at Glenn Close’s Bring Change to Mind Summit. How did that come about and why is mental health an important subject to you?
I was incredibly honored to be the keynote speaker for them. There was such a massive turn out of the next generation. I’d performed for one of their events earlier this year and connected with them and their cause. Being asked back felt very organic and I was so happy to share my experiences. My industry can be so brutal so I feel like I’ve adopted a lot of wisdom from experience and ways to cope with a lot of stresses that come with the job and the times we’re in. I was so happy I could pass some of it on.

What’s next for you professionally?
I have a film slated for 2024 so I can not wait to jump back in after all the obstacles these last few years. I’m almost done with my EP and the second book in the series, SWEVEN.

What are some more of your personal goals?
My sense of self is stronger than ever. I just want to keep returning the energy I receive, keep a peaceful circle around me, and continue working on things I love!

Images: Esteban Bonilla and Tyler Chick

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