Remember when we told you to get to the Highline Stages this weekend for a super secret Alexander Wang Event, chicettes? Well, if you weren’t posted up outside the entrance by 6:30 a.m., waiting on the line that wrapped all the way to Chelsea Market wasn’t worth the wait. That is, unless you were one of the first 150 or so lucky individuals to score a free shopping spree. Yes, you read that correctly! People nabbed as many free Alexander Wang tees, jackets and pants as one could shove into a shopping bag. All sizes were up for grabs, and the selection was a coed mix of duds (alas, there were no handbags or shoes for the taking). The many (many!) folks who weren’t granted entry did get some entertainment, but not the concert or dance party they expected. They watched as the chosen few brought their plentiful loot outside of the venue to begin a swap meet of sorts, exchanging sizes, colors and styles of merchandise. Word to the wise: Next time an Alexander Wang event is announced, it’s probably best to camp out at least few days in advance.
Alexander Wang's Secret Event: A Free Shopping Spree!
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