In the age of social media, it often so happens that people know you even before you walk into the room. With the ability to learn an incredible amount about a person through a basic search and dive through social media profiles, the internet has become a prime place to cultivate your personal brand. Jesse McInnes understands that optimizing social media for personal branding is the future of marketing and shares his insights on the same. Entreprenuer and investor Jesse McInnes founded the digital marketing company IG Flourish after discovering the increasing power social media has in developing our professional and personal reputations. “Our social media pages depict our personal stories,” says Jesse. “They hold so much potential as long as we are smart and cognizant of what we put out there.”
Social media is both progressive and adaptive. “You aren’t stuck to the usual confines of resumes, cover letters, and basic networking,” explains Jesse. “Social media opens you up to the entire world with no limits on the size of your audience or your potential to grow.” Understanding the broad aptitude of social media is key to leveraging it correctly. “Consistency is key,” states Jesse McInnes. “You have to be consistent in the type of content you post and the kind of persona you want to build. Make sure what you offer connects with your audience and gives a cohesive look into the kind of person, professional, influencer, or entrepreneur you are.” Jesse believes that leveraging social media means being true to yourself, authentic with your audience, and prioritizing engagement.
Jesse McInnes built his company with the understanding that personal branding and social media will coexist side by side for the foreseeable future. “You can’t leverage your personal brand without social media,” explains Jesse. “The person you are online should depict the person you are in real-life, so post accordingly.”
Presented by: DN News Desk