Behind the Technology of Up-and-Coming Company Bikdata with President and COO Franzua Rudder

by Press Release

With blockchain technology taking the tech industry by storm, some experts are regarding this intricate system as the next tech frontier. While many are only familiar with blockchain technology as it pertains to cryptocurrencies, one emerging tech company is leading the way with blockchain business solutions and utilities that will revolutionize many archaic systems. Meet Bikdata. On the cusp of what could be an irrevocable change in various sectors of business all over the world, Bikdata introduces the concept of making a business’s data work for them. Creating customizable ecosystems with end-to-end solutions by way of blockchain for businesses of any and all natures, this up-and-coming tech co. is looking forward to serving as the vehicle to updating obsolete systems for businesses everywhere. We recently sat down with Franzua Rudder, President & COO of Bikdata to discuss how the company works and what makes it so revolutionary.

How did BIKDATA get started and what was the inspiration behind it?
The idea started from us invoicing our clients at month end and recognizing that when the invoices in SAP hit the accounting and time management tables, they would sit there for 90 days without being approved for payment and as a result there was always a lag on deliverables. This constantly resulted in excessive lag times in payment fulfilment. In some scenarios, some of the consultants from underprivileged countries would have nothing to eat for weeks or would sleep in their cars while they wait for the invoices to get settled, however these same consultants were doing all the hard work and configuring these complex systems. It was at that moment we decided we would commit to developing a solution around blockchain technology that could create a faster, more reliable way of settling invoices and giving back to all who deserved it. A few years later we are here with BIKDATA

Can you tell us about you and the BIKDATA leadership team’s background and how it relates to what you’re doing now?
Our team is very diverse with multiple decades worth of experience in database analysis, database programming and database encryption; along with paralleled experience in solving complex business solutions and business development across more than 20 countries as a collective. As a team, our vision is to monetize data in order to improve business efficiency around the world while creating new opportunities in underprivileged areas by helping companies treat their data as an asset instead of an expense.

How do you think blockchain technology is changing the professional world outside of crypto?
This is revolutionary from an infrastructure standpoint. What we witnessed over 100 years ago with the industrial revolution is now occurring across every industry with the technology revolution. The way we see it, Blockchain solutions, Data monetization and A.I. are the highways of the 21st century

What do you think the future holds for blockchain technology, pertaining to BIKDATA and beyond?
We believe that what Google represents for search engine optimization is what BIKDATA represents for the world of data monetization. We have endless development opportunities and cross app integration that can drive simplicity and efficiency across businesses around the world. When it comes to ERP and blockchain related services the reality is that what BIKDATA does is industry changing and will serve as a long-term precedent for how companies treat their data and alternative revenue generating opportunities

Why do you think the BIKDATA tokenization strategy will be such a revolutionary utility for businesses?
This solution takes the data you would normally pay to store in a data warehouse and only ever use for auditing purposes or analytics and allows us to create revenue from it. This entire process changes the client’s psychological approach to that data. By having a real-world economic formula behind our tokenomics strategy enables BIKDATA to provide a sub-token that’s value is more reflective of a company’s true value while providing them with an alternative payment settlement and fulfillment mechanism.

What are you most looking forward to for the future of Bikdata?
We most look forward to the day when BIKDATA becomes a trusted and relied upon partner for simplifying settlements, generating alternative revenue and driving efficiency for businesses across multiple industries globally.

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1 comment

khaled September 1, 2021 - 3:27 PM

Be careful this is a con.


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